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Bible Study

  • Team Unity - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Competitions like this one require tremendous team unity.  Each one must bring his/her best to make the team all it can be.

    2 – Think for a moment about how diverse your team is:

    • Size
    • Strength
    • Background
    • Ethnicity
    • Skill sets
    • Personalities

    3 – Think about how the team is diminished if any one of you is at less than 100%.

    4 – Think about how the team’s personality on the floor changes with each substitution.  You are not interchangeable parts in a machine.

    5 – Think about the factors which unify such a diverse set of people.  These are most important.

  • Suffering and Success

    October 25, 2007


    1 – This is the sort of situation a competitor dreams about.

    • We’re playing for a championship.
    • All the events of this season and our combined character have lead us to this day.

    2 – Suffering and success – they go together.

  • Strength and Courage - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Today’s contest will require strength and courage for us to finish the day with a victory.

    2 – Strength and courage are character qualities required for all of life and especially for competition.

    • Joshua 1:9 (read the text aloud).

    3 – Be strong

    • Strong of mind (focus well and tune out crowd noise)
    • Strong of body (prepare to finish the contest strongly)
    • Strong of soul (to deal well with momentum swings)

    4 – Be courageous

  • Senior Day - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – This could be the last competition for some of our senior players.

    • Many of us have competed together for years.
    • On a day like this, what should characterize the attitudes of our most senior players?
    • I see a great model at Joshua 14 and verses 7-14.

    2 – Joshua 14:7-14 (read the text)

    • Caleb is now 85 years old, but he’s not ready to retire.
      • “I was faithful to what I was told.”
      • “I’m as strong today as I was 45 years ago.”
      • “Give me this mountain!  I’ve heard there are giants there.”

    3 – I wonder about our seniors. 

  • Attitude - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Attitude

    1 – Attitude:
    • It can be our greatest asset.
    • It can be our greatest liability.
    • Your attitude will affect how you perceive your teammates, your coaches, your opponents, the officials and your team’s support staff.

  • Ambitious - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Ambitious

    1 – Introduction – Think about the goals toward which you are ambitious.
    • Team goals – post-season play / playoffs
    • A conference championship
    • All-conference awards (Academic also)
    • All-American awards (Academic also)
    • Simply another win, today.
    • This is good ambition. It’s not selfish and it benefits everyone associated with the team.
    • I see similar altruistic ambition in a man named Caleb in the Bible.

  • Adversity - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Adversity

    1 – The events of these last days are those which try men’s souls.
    • Disappointment
    • Failure
    • Loss
    • Illness
    • Injury

    2 – How we deal with adversity is a strong indicator of our character.
    • Will we bounce back or will we wilt?
    • Will we encourage or will we criticize?
    • Will we accept responsibility or will we shift blame?

  • Power, Love, and Self-Control - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


     Chapel – Power, Love and Self-control

    1 – To compete strongly today and throughout the season, three qualities will be required – Power, Love and Self-control.
    • These are powerfully described in II Timothy 1:7 (read the text aloud).

  • Sacrifice - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    1 – How does a competitor demonstrate genuine love for his teammates?

    • In the book about Coach Joe Ehrmann, “Season of Life” it says that the coaches’ job is to love the players and the players’ job is to love each other.
    • Over the last …… months you have done that.
    • Let’s continue that in today’s contest. 
    • Such love and sacrifice could be the key to a victory today.

    2 – This is a great scripture on this theme.  I John 3:16-18 (read text aloud)

  • Love - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    1 – Today’s characteristic of Successful People and Successful Teams is Love.

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