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Bible Study

  • The Game - Get Focused Study

    June 09, 2009


    “There’s definitely a right and a wrong. And I know what that is.”
    -Michelle, junior on girl’s varsity soccer team.

  • OW2P Study - Warning Signs (Part 5)

    June 07, 2009


    To help students recognize the warning signs of drugs and alcohol, and to give students tools to help peers seek treatment.

    Key Scriptures
    Proverbs 23:29-35

    Warm Up
    As students come in, hand out the following true/false “Alcohol IQ” test and ask each to complete it.


  • OW2P Study - Peer Influence (Part 6)

    June 06, 2009


    Too many attribute those intermittent disturbing instances of disobedience to the pressure our peers exert upon us. Is it really peer pressure? Is there literally someone “making” us smoke cigarettes, drink liquor or smoke weed? The threat is peer influence. Peer influence gradually and consistently speaks “do as I do,” hoping we eventually give up, give in, and then give out. In this section athletes will learn to identify peer pressure and peer influence and ways of defusing them both.

    Key Scriptures
    Psalms 139:13-16; Romans 12:1-2; Genesis 1:26; Proverbs 14:21; James 4:7

    Warm Up

  • OW2P Study - Discernment (Part 7)

    June 05, 2009

    OW2P Study - Discernment (Part 7)

    To help students in dealing with the powerful media messages about alcohol and tobacco products. Students need godly wisdom to navigate through the turbulent times of today.

    Key Scriptures
    1 Peter 5:8; 1 Chronicles 12:32; Proverbs 3:21

    Warm Up
    Divide into groups of four or five. Give each group a pen and a piece of paper and ask them to write down as many ad slogans as they can in 60 seconds. For example: “I’m lovin’ it™” and “Just do it.” Ask two or three groups to share their slogans with everyone. Point out how these messages get stuck in our brains.


  • Destination ... To Join Him - Get Focused: Part IV

    June 05, 2009


    Philippians 3:18-21 – Once we link up with Jesus, we’re on the team that’s going to win it all! We should live like champions no matter how tough it gets.

    In sports and in life, our desire, discipline, and dedication lead us to a final destination. For the athlete, that destination might be a championship or just the satisfaction of knowing that you maximized your fullest potential. For Christ-followers it’s so much more!

    WOULD YOU RATHER ... be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team?

  • Dedication ... To Follow Him - Get Focused: Part III

    June 04, 2009


    Philippians 3:15-17 – It’s game time and that means it’s time to give it all you’ve got no matter how difficult (or easy) the circumstances.

    After your desire is focused on the right goal and you’ve put in all of the hard work and disciplined training, the time finally comes to follow through with the things you’ve learned. Dedication helps us live out what we know is true.


  • Discipline ... To Trust Him - Get Focused: Part II

    June 04, 2009


    Philippians 3:12-14 – It all starts with right desires, but to press ahead we need discipline and trust in God.

    Great athletes start with desire, but they don’t just wake up one day as champions. It takes a passionate and disciplined routine of mental and physical training. You can perform at your best only as you get focused on your goal and then give it everything you’ve got.


  • Desire ... to Know Him - Get Focused: Part I

    June 04, 2009


    Philippians 3:7-11 – Your desire is key! If you focus on the right desires, you’ll have the right goals to achieve true success.

    Becoming a successful competitor takes motivation and drive, so there’s got to be a payoff if we’re going to invest the sweat-equity into training and performing as a champion.

    WOULD YOU RATHER ... win a bunch of sports trophies or get $100 for each one?

  • Daniel: Secure Leadership Series

    June 04, 2009

    Daniel: Secure Leadership Series

    I am excited about the journey you are about to take through the book of Daniel. It is an awesome book with some familiar stories about the lion’s den and fiery furnace. The truths in this book will greatly challenge you in the areas of courage, boldness, faith and security in God alone. I have been greatly humbled by the courage and faith of Daniel, Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah. They were faithful to God from their teens to their 80s. They are great examples and role models for trusting God in tough times. As you study this book, I would like for you to keep in mind several things that will assist your understanding:

  • OW2P Study - Temptation (Part 8)

    June 04, 2009

    OW2P Study - Temptation (Part 8)

    To help students see the cause-effect relationship between alcohol use and sexual promiscuity; and to give students tools to say “no” to alcohol and premarital sex.

    Key Scriptures
    Genesis 9:20-25; Genesis 19:30-36; Romans 13:12-14

    Warm Up
    Recruit six members to compete in a “drunk bat” relay. Divide into two teams of three. Begin the race by having one team member place his/her forehead on an upright bat, spinning around 10 times and then running with the bat a designated distance to a teammate who does the same. The process repeats until all three members have gone. This game shows how easy it is to lose control.


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