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Competitor’s Creed Study 1: Identity

The following study is designed to take you through The Competitor’s Creed line by line to help you better understand what The Creed means and how it applies to you as athletes and coaches. Our hope is that you would not only sign The Competitor’s Creed at, but that you would live it out to the fullest.
Competitor’s Creed Study 1: Identity
I am a Christian first and last.
I am created in the likeness of God Almighty to bring Him glory.
I am a member of Team Jesus Christ.
I wear the colors of the cross.
I am a Christian first and last.
What does it mean to be a Christian “first and last?”
Is God Keeping Score?
As a young baseball player, I found myself on the losing end of a lot of games. Many times my team had the mindset of losers, and our attitudes showed that we had lost the game long before the seventh inning. We went through the motions to the finish, but we were defeated long before the end of the game.
Perhaps many of us live as if God were keeping score, as if He has His own scoreboard with everyone’s name on it. One side lists “Good Works” and the other “Sins/Bad Things.” Can you imagine if eternal life depended on being perfect or trying to make sure all our good outweighed our bad? We would be like my little league team: living in defeat with no hope.
Are You Faking It?

Every day it sits on my desk as a powerful reminder. It tugs on my soul with a convicting message that seems to say, “Be careful. Do not let your life be like this.” The object is a gorgeous leather Bible with all the extras, including gold tipped pages. It’s real nice. But the reason I don’t want my life to be like this Bible is that when you crack open the pages, you discover that the pages are blank. Yup—not a single word or letter. It appears to be the Bible of all Bibles on the outside, but it contains nothing of God’s message on the inside. The fake Bible had actually been a sample sent to me by a publisher so that we could get an idea of a cover we wanted for a future FCA Bible. The sample just needed blank pages to fill the inside.
Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part IV

After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.
The Competitor's Creed - 8x10
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3 Minute Drill - Drew Brees Video Study
Sharing the Victory magazine sat down with New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees to talk about leadership, spiritual discipline and the pressures of the NFL. Walk through this four part study by using the questions and videos below.
You Get What You Give

As a cross-country skier, I have to train all year. Since we have not had much snow in the last couple of years, we have had to do dry-land training so that when the snow comes we are ready. Skiing is both a team and an individual sport, and we train for endurance, technique and strength. And although we have a team behind us encouraging us along the way to keep us going and making us want to succeed, it is still up to us as individuals how much we put into the sport.
Laura Story Testimony

Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Includes the testimony of Laura Story.
Daniel: Secure Leadership Series
I am excited about the journey you are about to take through the book of Daniel. It is an awesome book with some familiar stories about the lion’s den and fiery furnace. The truths in this book will greatly challenge you in the areas of courage, boldness, faith and security in God alone. I have been greatly humbled by the courage and faith of Daniel, Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah. They were faithful to God from their teens to their 80s. They are great examples and role models for trusting God in tough times. As you study this book, I would like for you to keep in mind several things that will assist your understanding:
Customizable Campus Posters
Eye-catching, customizable FCA posters to use on campus or other locations to communicate huddle meetings and other events.
Each poster is 8.5" x 11"
You can type in your event information in the text box provided, print from the color copier, and post where appropriate. There are three styles to choose from with many versions of each.
*Please note all posters are in .doc format and require Microsoft Word or a compatable software to open.
In the Zone
If someone walked up to you and asked, “What does it mean to play ‘in the zone’?” how would you respond? What professional athlete comes to your mind when you think about playing in the zone? As an athlete, you have certainly been in the zone at least once. To play in the zone means that you are unstoppable. You are the “go to.” You can’t miss. I think you get the point—when you are in the zone, it is an awesome experience.
What does in the zone mean if you relate it to your spiritual life instead of your sports experience? Have you ever been in the zone spiritually? What does it take to get in the zone? Let’s dig deeper with a few questions based on Ephesians 5:1-10.
Light It Up
True Saint
Drew Brees rolls his eyes and smiles. By now, he expects it, even if he doesn’t believe he deserves it. But the parallels are just too easy to pass up. “You’ve been dubbed the Patron Saint of New Orleans by just about every media outlet in the country…” they always start. It’s only natural.
Campus 101 Introduction Powerpoint

Click on the links below to download the PowerPoint presentations and learn how to use Campus 101 which includes FCA Resources and r12 coach.
Oh Snap!

There are no materials required for this game, just creativity and a good sense of fun! Oh Snap, or Catch the Snap, is a new take on the classic "pass the ball, say your name" game. Instead of a ball, you have...your hand!
What is this game? What do you do?
First, appoint a leader of this game.
Make everyone scramble in the room, but make sure everyone's close to each other.
The leader then begins snapping. He or she now has "The Snap" (the ball).
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