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In the Zone

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By DBritton

January 03, 2012


"Walk as children of light—for the fruit of the light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth—discerning what is pleasing to the Lord." -Ephesians 5:8-10


If someone walked up to you and asked, “What does it mean to play ‘in the zone’?” how would you respond? What professional athlete comes to your mind when you think about playing in the zone? As an athlete, you have certainly been in the zone at least once. To play in the zone means that you are unstoppable. You are the “go to.” You can’t miss. I think you get the point—when you are in the zone, it is an awesome experience.

What does in the zone mean if you relate it to your spiritual life instead of your sports experience? Have you ever been in the zone spiritually? What does it take to get in the zone? Let’s dig deeper with a few questions based on Ephesians 5:1-10.

Who in the Bible lived “in the zone”? Why?
Paul says to be an imitator of God (see v. 1). What does it mean to imitate someone?
What things does Paul say someone should do to imitate God (see vv. 3-7)?
When playing in the zone, an athlete is unstoppable. When you are living in the zone for Christ, what does your life look like (see vv. 8-10)?

The 1924 Olympic runner Eric Liddell said, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel God’s pleasure. To win is to honor Him.” Ask God to show you what it means to play in the zone for Christ. Pray that you will discover more ways to please Him and not please yourself. The FCA Competitor’s Creed states: “I give my all—all of the time.” When you’re giving your all for Christ, you can bet that you’re spiritually in the zone.


1. When you compete, whom do you try to please?
2. What can you do to please God during competition?
3. How do you sense God’s pleasure when you compete?


3 John 1:11


Lord, I am consumed with my own performance. Break me of the hold that competition has on me. My prayer is that all who see me compete will know that it is all about You. Transform me into Your agent of change.