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  • Radio Commercials

    September 23, 2008


    We are excited to offer you a large range of radio spots to help promote FCA in your area.
    We have a variety of general spots as well as specialty spots promoting different aspects of our ministry.

    How to use them:

    1. Select the one(s) you want to air when you have a station in your area donating PSA’s/radio time to FCA. We include a single .ZIP file with all of the ads.
    2. Be proactive and call on a local station who might have a manager with a heart for FCA.

    Suggested stations to contact:

  • 100+ Character Qualities

    May 23, 2008


    100 Character Qualities, a resource from Ed Gomes

  • Whole Person Development Questions for Coaches to ask…

    May 16, 2008


     Whole Person Development Questions for Coaches to ask… A resource from Ed Gomes

  • FCA "Touching Millions" Campaign Ads

    April 04, 2008


    These ads focus on the impact of FCA and are designed to excite athletes, coaches and donors to your local ministry to learn more.

    The “Touching Millions” ads are available in three different versions and are available in full page (8.5x11) and ¼ page sizes as well as color, black/white and grayscale versions to meet the needs of different publications.

    Use them in:
    · Magazines
    · Newspapers
    · Athletic programs
    · Banquet programs
    · Newsletters
    · Postings/Bulletin Boards
    · Your ideas!

  • FCA "Scoreboard" Campaign Ads

    April 04, 2008


    These contemporary ads are designed to stir interest in FCA and draw new athletes, coaches and donors to your local ministry.

    The “Scoreboard” ads are available in two different headline versions—Winning and Losing. These ads are also available in full page (8.5x11) and ¼ page sizes as well as color and black/white versions to meet the needs of different publications.

    Use them in:

    • Magazines
    • Newspapers
    • Athletic programs
    • Banquet programs
    • Newsletters
    • Postings/Bulletin Boards
    • Your ideas!

    Please contact us in marketing if you have questions. 

  • FCA Coloring Book Pages

    December 15, 2007

    FCA Coloring Book Pages

    A handful of our FCA logos converted to be used as coloring book pages.

  • Student Rights and the Public Schools

    October 12, 2007


    This 32 page pamphlet which is produced by the American Center for Law and Justice describes the constitutional rights of students in public schools. 

  • Coaches Huddle Prayer Sheets

    October 02, 2007


    This form enables coaches to write down a couple of prayer requests for which one of their staff teammates may pray during the coming week. The sheets are exchanged during the meeting and each participant has one person for which to pray and to encourage. 

  • The Four FCA Ministries - Four C's

    July 18, 2007


    This PowerPoint presentation communicates the FCA Vision, Mission and Values and describes the ministries of FCA: Coaches, Campus, Camp, Community. 

  • Commitment Card

    June 05, 2007


    This is a PDF commitment card that you can use for events. 

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