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  • 'Roids

    November 01, 2008


    I was watching an interview on ESPNews with Barry Bonds. The topic was steroids. Bonds’s personal trainer was one of four men recently charged in a steroid-distribution ring that allegedly supplied dozens of professional athletes with banned substances.

    Athletes at all levels these days are doing all they can to get the edge. Nutritional supplements—some legal and healthy, others not—are widely used to give athletes an extra boost, better workouts and faster strength gain.

    But what are the supplements of our spiritual lives? What does the spiritual steroid (without the negative connotation) look like? How do we get a boost?

  • Who, Me?

    November 01, 2008


    Every team needs leaders on and off the field who set examples at practice, in the classroom and with their friends. Leaders show the way to work in all areas of their lives. However, many players do not want that responsibility.

    When I share with athletes and encourage them to be leaders, I usually get the same response: “Who, me?” They feel that nobody is watching them and that no one cares what they do on or off the field. I beg to differ. Athletes are under the microscope. People are watching. Peers are watching. And fellow athletes are watching.

  • God's Nutritional Plan

    November 01, 2008


    God created food for our bodies to give us energy, sustain life, prevent disease and facilitate healing. Our food choices will affect our mood, mental focus, physical performance, weight, immune system function, decision-making and appearance. Athletes today have access to more information with respect to eating for peak performance than ever before. In order to compete at our best, we must know exactly what to eat and when to eat it!

  • Awestruck

    November 01, 2008


    In 1996, I went to my first professional golf tournament. Lush green grass, beautiful colors and the world’s best golfers took center stage at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I watched several groups tee off and was amazed at how far they hit the ball.

    As I walked the course, I came to a hole where there was quite a buzz. People were crowding in to see a young golfer hit the ball—a young man named Tiger Woods. I, too, greatly admired this young, talented golfer. Tiger took it all in stride. He showed amazing composure for such a young player.

  • Team J.C.

    November 01, 2008


    NASCAR racing isn’t necessarily thought of as a team sport by most people. But ask any driver and he will tell you that without a good pit crew, his chances of winning are slim.

    Jeff Gordon credited his team for putting him in a position to win the 2005 Daytona 500, which he did by holding off Kurt Busch and Dale Earnhardt Jr. over the last two laps. “I knew over 500 miles, with that pit crew, that team, that hopefully some patience would pay off there at the end.”

  • It Happens

    November 01, 2008


    It happens all the time: As an athlete or coach, you are confronted with a situation in which your attitude will dictate your altitude. Someone does you wrong; a promise is broken; a ref makes a horrible call in a game; you are treated poorly. Whatever the circumstances, does your attitude show that God is in your life?

    In his letter to the Philippians, Paul urged the believers to stand firm in their faith in Christ. Paul wanted everyone to stay focused on Christ and the glory of the cross, no matter what happened. In every situation we are under the authority of God, and we should act and react accordingly. Though we may be wronged, mistreated or severely tortured, we must stand firm, knowing that God will provide the victory.

  • DETOX for the HEART - 2

    October 31, 2008


    Do Materials Things have an unhealthy hold on your heart?

  • DETOX for the HEART

    October 30, 2008


    Busyness and Prosperity can be the enemies of real depth! Tips for going deep!

  • Getting a Drink

    October 29, 2008


    The night before a football game, our team has a gathering at the house of one of the seniors. His parents supply the food, and we have had these team dinners since before I can remember.

  • DETOX for the Mind - Culture Wars

    October 29, 2008


    How to protect yourself from our TOXIC Culture!

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