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It Happens

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By FCA Resources

November 01, 2008


"Whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, working side by side for the faith of the gospel, not being frightened in any way by your opponents." -Philippians 1:27-28


It happens all the time: As an athlete or coach, you are confronted with a situation in which your attitude will dictate your altitude. Someone does you wrong; a promise is broken; a ref makes a horrible call in a game; you are treated poorly. Whatever the circumstances, does your attitude show that God is in your life?

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul urged the believers to stand firm in their faith in Christ. Paul wanted everyone to stay focused on Christ and the glory of the cross, no matter what happened. In every situation we are under the authority of God, and we should act and react accordingly. Though we may be wronged, mistreated or severely tortured, we must stand firm, knowing that God will provide the victory.

Things happen in sports and in life. Teammates will fail you, coaches will misunderstand you, and officials will make unjust calls against you. But remember, how you respond will show others what is in your heart. Is your attitude above reproach? Can others tell that Christ is in you?

Respect all, fear none. That is God’s calling for us. So face it—it happens to the best of us. Do your best through Christ to show that He truly rules in your life.


1. Is your attitude flying high in Him, or is it way below His radar?
2. Are you submissive to those whom God has put in authority over you?
3. Today, how can you start to give total respect to those individuals whom the Lord has put in your life to lead you in your given situation?


Psalm 51; Philippians 1:20-30; James 1:2-6


Lord, as I compete for You today, help me maintain an attitude that displays Your glory to all. May my mouth, my heart and my head be in total submission to You. Give me the strength to respect and honor those who do me wrong. Help me to serve You better today than I did yesterday. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.