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  • Troubled?

    October 07, 2005


    Trouble and being troubled are two completely different things. Trouble is being down by a run, nobody on base, with two outs in the bottom of the ninth and our worst hitter coming to the plate. Being troubled is having no strategy for this scenario and not being prepared to accept the possible consequences that are about to come.

    As coaches, there will be many times when we will have to declare to our team, “Don’t worry, everything will be okay.” We might even complete our short speech with the same words that Jesus did: “Believe in me.” But if we haven’t demonstrated believability to our players, these words will have absolutely no value. Without having the same credibility that Jesus had, our words will be like wisps of air.

  • You Are What You Think

    October 07, 2005


    Almost every Christian coach I know wants to have a philosophy of coaching that is positive. But in the battle of competition, sometimes we get caught up in the heat of the moment and lose our focus. We may stay positive on the outside, but inside we are feeling the tension—tension that causes us to lose that positive edge.

    I have found that what we tell our athletes to think about is exactly what they will think about. We may say, “Don’t ever miss a serve on game point.” What are they thinking when they come to the line? They are thinking about not missing the serve. What do they see? Missing the serve, which is exactly what we told them to think about!

  • Holding On

    October 07, 2005


    Those of us who watch a lot of sports programs on television have probably seen the St. Louis Cardinals’ “blanket” commercial. It begins with a man who wraps a red St. Louis Cardinals’ blanket around himself. As it turns out, the blanket is the one constant in his life as he grows up. As a child, he uses it as a cape when he runs up the steps, and he drapes it over his bed when he studies. It is on the seat when he learns to play the drums as a teenager, in the trunk when he moves out of the house, and around his girlfriend while they watch a movie. The commercial ends with the man wrapping the blanket around his child as these words come on the screen: “Without sports, what would we hold on to?”

  • Would You Rather . . . ?

    October 07, 2005


    Our family plays a great game at the dinner table called “Would You Rather.” We ask the question “Would you rather . . . ?” so that our children have to make a decision, such as, “Would you rather win a World Series or a Super Bowl?”

  • Some Winning Advice . . . Guaranteed.

    October 07, 2005


    Trouble often seems to be waiting around every corner of daily life, especially for coaches. Whether it is a troubled player, an unfair referee, a nagging parent or an unreasonable principal, coaches can count on difficulties. They come with the territory!

    Thankfully, Jesus never pretended that life would be a luxury cruise. “You will have trouble,” He told His disciples. In fact, difficulties are guaranteed, an inevitable part of living in a fallen world. Jesus didn’t deliver the trouble; He just knew it was coming.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 15

    October 06, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    Asking God to settle your heart
    Maybe listening to worship music
    Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 16

    October 05, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 17

    October 04, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 18

    October 03, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    Asking God to settle your heart
    Maybe listening to worship music
    Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 19

    October 01, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

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