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Some Winning Advice . . . Guaranteed.

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By Clay Elliott

October 07, 2005


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33, NIV 


Trouble often seems to be waiting around every corner of daily life, especially for coaches. Whether it is a troubled player, an unfair referee, a nagging parent or an unreasonable principal, coaches can count on difficulties. They come with the territory!

Thankfully, Jesus never pretended that life would be a luxury cruise. “You will have trouble,” He told His disciples. In fact, difficulties are guaranteed, an inevitable part of living in a fallen world. Jesus didn’t deliver the trouble; He just knew it was coming.

Consequently, the best advice that we could heed—and give to others—is not to strive for a trouble-free practice or season. Nobody has that. Rather, in the midst of consuming troubles, Jesus invites us to experience the peace of His presence. Because it comes from the Master, such advice is foolproof, but the application of this truth is still up to us. Jesus told His followers that real and lasting peace would come when we walk with Him. And He offered this advice before He went to the cross! He had not yet conquered the world. Still, He guaranteed this ahead of time because He knew that the “punishment for our peace was on Him” (Isaiah 53:5).

Coaching may seem to be about victories, which are important, but real victory comes when we battle through the troubles alongside Jesus. If we want to win any contest, we must seek Him to find peace! If we have no peace, it’s because we have no Jesus. But if we know Jesus, we know peace, regardless of what troubles come our way!


1. What trouble have you experienced lately?
2. Are you experiencing peace in the midst of this trouble?
3. Will you heed the winning advice and seek peace today by walking with Jesus?  


Psalms 9:9-10; 32
Isaiah 53:5
Philippians 3:1-11 


Father, I admit that I don’t like it when trouble comes my way, but I am grateful that You gave Your Son so that I could experience peace in the midst of my troubles. Swallow me up in Your peace as I submit to walking with You. In Jesus’ name I live and pray, amen!