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  • Integrated or Compartmentalized?

    August 13, 2009

    It has happened again, a sportsperson’s private life has invaded his public life and another furious storm of controversy has erupted. A high profile college basketball coach has found his indiscretions from six years ago suddenly coming to light with brutal clarity and startling consequences. The details are still coming out in the mass media of his adulterous affair, the resulting pregnancy and the payment for an abortion, all leading to accusations of extortion by the formerly pregnant adulteress.

  • Am I Moody?

    August 13, 2009


    Can exercise and proper nutrition actually get rid of my moodiness?

  • Take a Pill?

    August 12, 2009


    Over half of all insured Americans take prescription drugs every day! Is there a better way?

  • Can vs. Can’t

    August 11, 2009

    Can vs. Can’t

    Almost every week this summer, I have been working with junior high boys trying to help them improve their basketball skills. The range of ability between sixth and eighth graders is pretty wide, and their physical size can be an even bigger gap. But we have one boy, Max, who doesn’t let his size bother him at all. In every drill and scrimmage, he uses what the Lord has given him to the best of his ability and tries to improve. It is such a joy to watch him play because he wears out his opponents with his speed and quickness. As an athlete, Max refuses to let what he can’t do get in the way of what he can do.

  • Competitor's Creed Audio Track

    August 10, 2009


    Hear former NFL Bronco, Steve Fitzhugh perform the Competitor's Creed.

  • Chaplains Roundtable 2009

    August 07, 2009

    If you’re in the USA, please give this series of events some consideration. The Chaplains Roundtables are good events for learning, networking and encouragement in our ministries with coaches and competitors. Please contact Bill Houston for more information. His contact info is below.

    Chaplains Roundtable 2009
    Charlotte October 7th…Indianapolis November 10th…Lansing December 1st

  • Whose side are you on?

    August 06, 2009


    It was a beautiful day in the Windy City. A hot dog, a Pepsi and a ballgame at Wrigley Field. . . What could be better? The game was going just as I wanted it to go. My team was scoring run after run, but the crowd was turning ugly. People were getting upset and starting to leave. Finally, after he'd had just about enough, the little boy sitting next to me pulled on my sleeve and asked, "Mister, who are you cheering for anyway?" You see, I am Reds fan, and the Reds handled the Cubs that day pretty easily. I left the game a happy fan.

  • What Do You Smell Like?

    August 05, 2009

    What Do You Smell Like?

    It was 5:56 in the morning, and I was barely awake. I knew this was going to be a challenge, but I couldn't remember the last time I woke up this early consistently. Maybe four years ago in college? See, for quite some time, I've been a slacker, a poser. I'd get up to head to work, and if I had time I'd cram down some Bible verses, toss up a few prayers and start the routine to the office.

  • Home Stretch: Justin Masterson

    August 04, 2009

    Home Stretch: Justin Masterson

    My story begins in Kingston, Jamaica. That's where I was born and where my dad served as a pastor and the dean of students at the Jamaican Theological Seminary. We lived there for two years until we moved to Indiana.

    Growing up as a pastor's son was a huge blessing. It helped me understand from an early age what it meant to have a relationship with God. That relationship has been so important to me in my baseball career as I have worked my way up through the Boston Red Sox farm system, and it is evident in the way I play every day.

  • Heart of a Coach: Jennifer Gillom

    August 04, 2009

    Heart of a Coach: Jennifer Gillom

    Chosen Attribute: Kindness

    Dictionary definition: "Of a good or benevolent nature or disposition."

    My definition: "Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."

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