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  • The Zechariah Project

    December 22, 2013


    The ministry of FCA is about many things, but one specific thing is influence. In athletics today, we all are influenced. Athletically, athletes are influenced by teammates and coaches by other coaches, but where is the spiritual influence coming from? One athlete recently told me that when it comes to athletic excellence he could help any teammate get to the next level, but when it came to growing in Christ he was not the man! An honest and compelling commentary for sure.

  • Execution

    December 21, 2013


    As a coach, my main objective is to communicate the game plan to my players. My next objective is to teach them to execute it on game days through hours of practice. During my pregame speech I may promise that if they execute the plan properly, they will have a chance to win. However, in the chaos of the game, the plan that I have mapped out may begin to unravel. If some of the players failed to study and learn it, the whole team will suffer. Are there similarities between this scenario and your own experiences?

  • Cosmic or Cosmetic?

    December 20, 2013


    Aside from my father, the most influential man in my life has been my coach. He was always very clear about the fact that, regardless of the issues that accompany academics, athletics, and disciplinary measures, he cared about me and valued me as a person. One of his many memorable sayings was, “When you fistfight or curse, you have run out of ideas.” Later I had the unparalleled honor of teaching with him for a short while, and he went on to found the FCA chapter for which I have now been Huddle Coach for twenty-one years. At the time of the Huddle’s birth, Jesus had just changed my life, and that’s when the coach asked me to co-sponsor. One year later he took another job, leaving the Huddle to me.

  • Be Accountable

    December 19, 2013


    What should we do when our friends repeatedly make the same sinful mistakes? Some would say, “I cannot change them.” Others would say, “That’s just who they are,” and even, “They will never listen to me.” However, if these friends are followers of Christ, we need to hold them to the commitments they made in Christ. They need to hold us to the same standard as well. We all need accountability. When someone feels he/she does not need it, that is the beginning of great trials ahead.

  • A Warrior's Heart, Love & Passion!

    December 18, 2013

    Deer Valley Varsity Guard Aaron Meek created this poster to inspire his teammates and fellow athletes across the world to give back with passion and leadership! We are blessed to offer the poster as wallpaper through the FCA Resources website.

    Proceeds from the poster sales support Lets Make Moves and Heart Tools. Lets Make Moves is a lockdown leadership program founded and created with his two brothers Zach and Jordan and Jordan's wife Autumn. You can connect with Aaron through the Heart Tools and Lets Make Moves facebook pages! and

  • Demolishers!

    December 18, 2013


    When I was at the University of Kentucky, my team was expected to win a National Championship every year—and we did. It was the cheerleading team, and I was the mascot. Regardless of the sport, expectations go a long way in determining wins and losses. What about in faith? What are our expectations for winning and losing spiritual battles?

  • Max Heart Rate

    December 17, 2013


    Many endurance athletes measure their level of effort during workouts or competitions by monitoring their percent of maximum heart rate. They identify their "max HR" by using a specific testing method either in the lab or real-life settings such as a track. Then, based on that number, they can review future performances in the context of that maximum effort data. While specific interpretation of the data varies based on a coach, the sport and the athlete, it can be quite beneficial in determining the actual effort put forth in a specific setting.

  • Christmas Hope

    December 16, 2013


    During the Christmas season there seems to be a more evident and fresh feeling of hope in the air. There is extended time with family, presents to give and receive, more gifts and money given to those in need, cheerful music and so on. Most of us look forward to these things all year.

    As a coach, I also notice this hope-filled feeling in our team right before each game. Leading up to the game we have practiced hard and prepared, and now the score’s 0-0. We have the hope of playing well and getting a victory.

  • Influence with Integrity

    December 15, 2013


    In today’s world of sports, it seems that anything done for an advantage is fair game—as long as you don’t get caught.

    As a Major League pitcher, I have seen it all. Managers who spend their entire careers stealing the signs of other coaches from the dugouts and down the baselines. Players who reach base do the same thing. Pitchers are supposed to throw a clean, unscratched ball, but you can do some pretty cool things with a scuffed baseball.

  • More Than a Compliment

    December 14, 2013


    If you are reading this, it is likely that you are a coach. However, whether you are a coach, a parent, or an athlete, you are involved in relationships. One of the most encouraging aspects of relationships is the exchange of compliments—genuine, from-the-heart compliments that don’t patronize, but let someone know that he or she is valued. Coaches sometimes neglect to show their appreciation for the players who sit on the bench. We get so wrapped up with the starters that we fail to let those less talented or less experienced know just how much we’re thankful that they’re on the team.

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