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  • Overcoming Offense

    November 25, 2013


    In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us that without love nothing we are and possess nothing. This is a fundamental truth of Christianity. It’s so simple and yet so complex. We can say we believe it but our relationships with others will reveal whether or not we really do.

  • The Ultimate Pre-Game Meal

    November 24, 2013


    As athletes what we put into our bodies is very important. The pre-game meal may be the most important meal we eat. We have to make sure we get enough energy to last through the entire competition. This is our last chance to get the fuel we need.

    In John, Jesus tells us of work that will actually GIVE us energy instead of using it. Doing God's work will give us the fuel we need to in order to succeed in the game of life. So what is the work that we should be doing? In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus tells us very plainly what our "work" should be. We are to go out among the nations and build His Kingdom.

  • C’mon, Blue

    November 23, 2013


    I love baseball. This is a sport that relies on a team for a successful outcome. Baseball is also the only American sport where, during a stoppage in play, a manager or coach can approach an umpire to dispute a rule or argue a call. Unfortunately, we’ve all watched a manager throwing a tantrum, kicking dirt on the plate, or verbally abusing an umpire. We’ve also seen the umpire retaliating in anger and sometimes losing control. It’s hard to have someone yell at us or challenge our character in any setting, but especially in front of peers and spectators in a stadium.

  • Give God Control

    November 22, 2013


    I’m a big believer that God is in charge of your life. I believe this because I’ve seen how God has directed my path, even though I might not have been aware at the time.

    So many times I was in a certain place, like when I played for the Chicago Cubs, and I thought that I was going to play there the rest of my career. Then I went to Colorado and I thought I’d be there the rest of my career. And then I went to New York. In the beginning, New York was very difficult. I didn’t understand why God put me there. But I realized over time that there was reason for everything He does, and ultimately, He’s in charge.

  • Is There a Test Today?

    November 21, 2013


    Trials. The Bible doesn’t tell us that trials may happen; it tells that trials are a sure thing. How can we have joy when we face difficult times, when our season is 0–5, when parents are angry that their child sits on the bench, or when our assistants question our every move? How can we be content when we face all of this?

  • A Personal September 11

    November 20, 2013


    Paul “Bear” Bryant, born on September 11, 1913, once said, “It’s not the will to win that matters; everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” September 11, 2001, will forever be remembered as one of our country’s worst tragedies; however, on September 11, 1983, I experienced my own tragedy. On that day, I suffered a spinal cord injury during a football game. I dislocated three vertebrae in my neck, and was told I would never walk again and could be permanently paralyzed from the neck down. Today, twenty-two years later, I am confined to a wheelchair.

  • Right or Left?

    November 19, 2013


    When I played little league football for the Sharks, we had an undefeated season. We were so good that not a single team even scored against us. Not bad for eight-year-olds!

    Needless to say, teams feared the Sharks. After our games, Coach Buckley would hand out the coveted “110%” helmet stickers to players who had played with all their heart and had given that extra effort on the field.

    As competitors, we can sometimes be tempted to hold back what is God’s for our own pleasure. But God wants us to give Him what is right, not what’s left. In Luke 6:38, Jesus says:

  • More Than a Pick-Up Game

    November 18, 2013

    More Than a Pick-Up Game

    For some reason, every time I play a pick-up game of soccer, I never play as hard as I would in an actual competition. A friend will make a pass around me, and I’ll just let him go by. I may attempt a move, but when I’m unsuccessful I usually just slow up and don’t get back to defend. Shin guards usually aren’t part of my attire, and sometimes I dig up a pair of old, torn up cleats so I don’t have to “ruin my best.” After all, it’s just pick-up, not a real game.

  • Do the Deal, No Matter How You Feel

    November 18, 2013


    After losing every game during soccer season, I learned a lot about perseverance, or “doing the deal” in the face of great odds. We all like to win, but it becomes harder for a coach and her players to keep going during a losing streak. It’s not easy encouraging players to win when they realistically don’t have a chance. What we needed in our town was a recreational soccer league. Such a league would be instrumental in helping players develop their skills; however, those who could make the league happen didn’t believe it would be successful. Consequently, I wrestled in prayer about whether or not I was really called to coach; it didn’t appear that I was doing the players any good.

  • Hope for the Brokenhearted

    November 17, 2013


    As a coach in a low-income school, I see my players go through very difficult times. Many have no father at home, and they endure a mediocre educational system in a drug-infested neighborhood. These kids have to work twice as hard just to break even. It is hard not to internalize the problems of our players. Because the environment in which they live provides little or no hope, we find ourselves wanting to step in to solve their problems. However, we typically find ourselves feeling helpless. From time to time coaches find themselves serving as father, mother, lawyer, mediator, and mentor to their players, surrogate roles that press down with lots of pressure and responsibility.

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