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The Ultimate Pre-Game Meal

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By Michael Hill

November 24, 2013


"'My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work,' Jesus told them."
-John 4:34


As athletes what we put into our bodies is very important. The pre-game meal may be the most important meal we eat. We have to make sure we get enough energy to last through the entire competition. This is our last chance to get the fuel we need.

In John, Jesus tells us of work that will actually GIVE us energy instead of using it. Doing God's work will give us the fuel we need to in order to succeed in the game of life. So what is the work that we should be doing? In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus tells us very plainly what our "work" should be. We are to go out among the nations and build His Kingdom.

As part of TeamFCA, I challenge you to devote yourself to this kind of work. The mission of FCA is to "Present to coaches and athletes and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church." Pay attention to how doing this feeds your soul. Make note of the energy it gives you. You may never look at food the same way again.


1. Are we seeking to do God's work daily?
2. Are we asking God to show us where He wants us to work?
3. Are we studying God's Word daily to become better workers?
4. Today, what can I do to feed my soul?


Psalm 119:164
Matthew 6:11, 28:18-20
Acts 1:8, 17:11


"Lord, show me where You want me to work, and I will serve You. Put the people in front of me who You want me to talk to today. Let Your words be heard with my voice. Take this life and use it to build Your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen."

About the Author:

Michael Hill is a former FCA staff member and head coach. He lives and teaches in Haysville, Kan. In his career, Michael has been blessed to coach college and high school football and spend years as a high school cross country coach.