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  • Commitment is Giving

    April 10, 2013


    Back when I was a coach, I would always have a pre-season meeting where I would write out my season goals and what I expected of my players. One year while coaching in Oklahoma, my ladies team told me, "Coach, we are so committed to winning and becoming the best team you have ever coached. " I appreciated their comments, but only time would tell if that commitment would come true. Commitment always takes giving. . .

  • The Five F’s

    April 09, 2013

    The Five F’s

    Hopefully at some point in our lives, we have had the blessing of receiving a powerful and lasting message from God when we least expect it. Mine happened over a series of four key events in a single year.

    January 3rd - My wonderful wife, Vickie, and I had just returned from a trip with our football team at Northern Illinois University to the International Bowl. By the end of the trip, I felt sluggish and stepped on our bathroom scale to discover I was heavier than I had ever been. It was definitely time to do something about that.

  • Word of God Speak

    April 08, 2013


    Something I have struggled with throughout my walk with Christ is feeling unworthy of His use. I’ve always thought I’m not good enough for God to use me as a tool to share His glory and His Word. I’m a sinner, and, as hard as I may try, I constantly fall short of His glory. What’s amazing, though, is that every time I’ve thought that, God has proved me wrong and shown me my worth to Him!

  • Warning Against Idleness

    April 07, 2013

    Today's lesson comes from a few years ago when former Los Angeles Lakers star Magic Johnson expressed his frustration regarding the lack of effort displayed by the Lakers after Game Three of the 2004 NBA Finals against the Detroit Pistons. "I am angry," Johnson said at the time. "You have to compete, and we're not competing. No one is welcoming anyone to the bench. Guys are sitting there, wandering off into the crowd, defeated. We've got to get that look off our faces and play basketball the way it's supposed to be played."
    In the verse from 2 Thessalonians, Paul is warning the believers there against idleness, as many in his day were sitting around waiting for the Day of the Lord to come and were eating bread they did not earn.

  • Perfection

    April 06, 2013


    My son, C.J., had an interesting experience. Last year, his fifth grade tackle football team verbalized their preseason goals to be undefeated and un-scored upon. They achieved their goals—a perfect season. This year, they set the same goals and almost achieved them. (One team finally scored one touchdown.) The Bobcats had to “settle” for a second undefeated championship season. In their minds it was not perfect because someone scored on them.

  • Update Available

    April 05, 2013


    The other morning my phone alerted me to a new message.  When I checked the screen I saw the following message: "Bible – Update Available".  Now even though I realized that I was being alerted to a digital update for my smart phone Bible application, it is what I heard later in the day that made me think twice about the alert. 

    As I traveled to work, the talk radio show I had tuned in was replaying an interview between talk show host Piers Morgan and Saddleback pastor Rick Warren.  During the interview, Mr. Morgan made the following statement:

    "…the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned, but they are basically inherently flawed.  Hence the need to amend’s time for an amendment to the Bible."

  • Risky Prayer

    April 04, 2013


    The atmosphere was filled with tension. Players from both teams had been encouraged to protest the game. An outside source was trying to convince players that they were being exploited by big-time college sports. Everyone—including the 74,000 fans watching—was anticipating a conflict, but what people didn’t expect was some risky prayer.

  • So Much Moore

    April 03, 2013

    So Much Moore

    The historic career of University of Connecticut All-American Maya Moore came to an end when the Huskies fell short to the Notre Dame Fighting Irish in the 2011 NCAA women’s basketball Final Four.

    Even though women’s basketball sometimes flies under the radar, it was impossible to ignore the thing that Moore has achieved during her time at UConn. She helped the Huskies to the longest winning streak (ever) in college basketball, become the first player to win three consecutive Wade Trophy awards, was named an All-American four times, and helped the Huskies to four Final Fours. And, get this. Wanna know how many games she lost during her entire career? Four. She had as many Final Four appearances and All-America titles as she did losses. Now, that’s a sports legacy.

  • We’re All Brothers

    April 02, 2013

    “We’re all brothers” is a quip we used to say in high school football. I loved the meaning of this statement—we’re all in this together and will support each other no matter what! I felt the love when it was shouted for all to hear. A brotherhood is not a neighborhood. A brotherhood is a group of people bonded together that faces obstacles together. A neighborhood is just a place we reside. A brotherhood is a union or fraternity that joins forces to win—just like a team.

  • The Competitor's Prayer

    April 01, 2013


    Many times, pre-game prayers can be like a “rah-rah” talk or a desperate plea to God for a big win. But as true competitors, we need to ask, “What is the proper way to pray before entering the battle? How should we pour out our hearts before God so that we will be spiritually ready for competition?” Here is a great prayer that you can pray before a game, competition, workout or even practice:

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