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  • Delayed Gratification

    February 03, 2009


    Could this be the #1 key to a healthy life?

  • LITTLE Things Make A BIG Difference

    February 03, 2009


    It’s not about the Big things, success is in the Little Things!

  • Youthful Indiscretion?

    February 03, 2009


    Michael Phelps, exposed in a British tabloid by a photo showing him smoking marijuana, came clean and admitted that the picture was authentic. He said, "I engaged in behavior that was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 23 years old and, despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me."

    Officials in the USOC expressed their disappointment because he is a role model for millions of young athletes. But others thought it would not affect his sponsorships or other marketing relationships because it was “only marijuana.” They would simply have him "lay low" for a while to let people forget about it.

  • Big Tom

    February 02, 2009


    Tom was not a good athlete, but loved sports. He could not dunk a basketball, but was a valuable member of the program. He could not spike a volleyball, but his impact on the team was greatly appreciated. Who was Big Tom? He was a servant and worked for buildings and grounds to prepare the gym before each contest.

    In Romans 12, Paul lists spiritual gifts. One gift is out front where everyone can see and hear it. The other gift is behind the scenes and often goes unappreciated. Big Tom was a student worker who took his gift very seriously and made every effort to serve the Lord as he served our teams in Oklahoma. Each year teachers were awarded for their excellence in the classroom, but Big Tom went unnoticed.

  • Don Davis with Ron Brown

    January 31, 2009


    Former NFL linebacker Don Davis, who played in 3 Super Bowls, talks about answered prayer and how losing one Super Bowl game gave him a greater understanding of God.

  • #75 - StVRP - Raymond Berry, Don Davis & Les Steckel

    January 31, 2009


    NFL Hall of Fame receiver and former Super Bowl coach Raymond Berry, former NFL linebacker and Super Bowl veteran Don Davis & FCA President Les Steckel.

  • Commitment 101

    January 30, 2009


    “Commitment” is a big buzz word in sports today. Coaches are asking for commitment, players want to be committed, and schools are looking for a four-year commitment. But commitment is a word that is used very loosely today. (I personally believe that we need more athletes who are committed to their academic success before their athletic careers, but I’m old school on that one.)

    When it comes to commitment, Jesus Christ wants us to be committed as well. He desires our commitment. When is the last time you said, “Lord, I am committing this to You!”

  • EVENTS - Why Should I?

    January 30, 2009


    If you need some extra motivation to schedule an event, this is for you!

  • EVENTS - Put One On The Calendar

    January 29, 2009


    Schedule a 5k, 10k, or triathlon today to jump start your training!

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