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  • Gift Planning Brochure

    March 30, 2012


    FCA encourages donors to consider other unique giving opportunities beyond cash as a means to impact the ministry.   Much of the world’s wealth is tied up in assets rather than available in cash.   Donors can be good stewards and leave a legacy through estate planning and the donation of non-cash assets.

    Download the PDF below to learn more!

  • Staying on Track

    March 30, 2012


    “Coach, I couldn't make it to weight-lifting on time because I had to get my hair cut.”

    Apparently there wasn't enough time in the day for this athlete to handle his busy schedule. It's not like there was any other time in the day he could have gotten a haircut. It must have been a life-or-death situation!

  • Small Choices

    March 29, 2012


    I am always amazed at how disciplined wrestlers are. They say no to the goodies brought to class for birthdays and only eat a small portion of huge holiday meals. Wrestlers watch every item that goes into their mouth and weigh the pros and cons of each bite when cutting weight to qualify for their weight class. Then, after the season ends, they go back to a less regimented lifestyle.

  • Putting in Your Time

    March 28, 2012


    As athletes, we all want to win the big game. We all want to win the championship. We all want to hang a banner on the wall of the gym. But when it comes to being champions of a different kind—champions for Christ—only those of us who truly understand and “get” Exodus 14:14 have the chance to do that.

  • The Ultimate Pregame Meal

    March 27, 2012


    As athletes, what we put into our bodies is very important. The pregame meal may be the most important meal we eat during the day. We have to make sure we get enough energy to last through the entire competition. This is our last chance to get the fuel we need.

    In John, Jesus talks about a different kind of fuel. He tells us of work that will actually GIVE us energy instead of using it. Doing God's work will give us the fuel we need in order to succeed in the game of life. But just what is this work that we should be doing? In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells us very plainly: We are to go out among the nations and build His Kingdom.

  • The Best You Can Be

    March 26, 2012


    How do athletes prepare themselves? They train, eat right, rest and then do it all over again. They must constantly watch what they do with their bodies, what they take in to them, how they work them and how often they rest them. That preparation makes a huge difference in how they compete.

    Staying hydrated is a perfect example. Athletes know that without proper amounts of water or sports drinks, they will not be able to compete at their highest level. It’s the same with training. If an athlete’s body is not fit for competition, chances are, he or she isn’t going to compete as well as if they had trained harder.

  • What We Need

    March 23, 2012


    A while ago, my best friend, Heather, and I participated in an urban scavenger hunt-style race. The goal was to solve 12 challenges faster than any other team. Each challenge consisted of solving a riddle and getting yourself to the solution (by foot or public transportation only) and taking a photo. For example, we had to take a photo of ourselves in front of the second oldest building on the campus of a local college.

  • Wait Training

    March 22, 2012


    Weight training is a must for athletes in order to prepare their bodies for practice and competition. The benefits of weight training and conditioning are increased muscle size, increased strength and the power to maximize their abilities. Weight training also reduces the number and severity of injuries. It overloads the muscles and breaks down muscle fibers. The muscle then recovers, becoming bigger and stronger.

  • Read It and Believe It

    March 21, 2012


    How many times has a coach handed us a playbook or drawn a play diagram for us on the board? How many of us ever take our playbook home and look at it before bed just so we have an idea of what is going on? If we don’t understand the plays from the playbook, how many of us ever take the time to ask the coach about the plays and how to execute them properly? I used to be one of the guys who thought he’d learned something just by looking over his playbook.

    As Christians many of us do the same thing with our Bibles. We pick them up here and there and look for the right “play” for our situation, or we skim them over hoping that we will gain wisdom by reading without going into depth.

  • Everything In It

    March 20, 2012


    Often it seems like life itself is a race—a rat race that sucks away time while I grasp at minutes in desperation. I’m an endurance athlete; I train for hours to shave seconds off my race time. I’m a busy American. Another paycheck will come, but each moment, once past, is gone forever. Time is my best friend and my fiercest enemy; it is my greatest challenge. At least it was until my husband re-worded his financial motto from “It ain’t our money,” to “It ain’t our time.”

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