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  • Don’t Stop Believing

    September 08, 2009


    In sports, every time we compete there’s the possibility of defeat as well as the opportunity for victory. So much would be lost in this world if throughout history, people had succumbed to their fear of defeat and not fought for what they believed. Yet the possibility of defeat often keeps us from  fighting, from moving toward what we desire and believe.

  • Warriors

    September 05, 2009


    Every team has them, and every team needs them—warriors. They display it on their faces—they’re ready to play! Their game faces are on, and they take the field ready for battle.

    Zephaniah encouraged the people of his day to gather and pray. What great advice. I recently had the opportunity to see FCA warriors in action at a staff retreat. These warriors met early in the morning, some on their knees, some standing, most in chairs. They were prayer warriors—mighty men and women of God who truly knew what it meant to gather and pray.

  • Space for God

    September 03, 2009

    From Times Online
    August 21, 2009
    Space for God
    Stuart Weir

    “It is good and right that our churches are setting a clear Christian emphasis during this World Championship. We are opening up space for God. It is necessary that sportsmen and women have the opportunity…to turn to God in prayer and share about their faith”.

  • The Man in the Sweater Vest

    September 02, 2009

    The Man in the Sweater Vest

    So, let's talk about the man in the sweater vest. What are we to make of this model of straight-laced propriety? He patrols the hallowed sidelines of the Horseshoe with the air of a great military commander, mowing down foes like Patton and his tanks. But five-star generals never go to war in V-necks and an AT&T headset. And what of the slightly tinted spectacles, neatly trimmed hair and pressed slacks? It says more "professor" than "football coach."

  • When in Doubt, Kick It Out

    September 02, 2009


    As a defensive player in soccer, I often hear the phrase: "When in doubt, kick it out." In soccer, if you mess around with the ball in the back, it can result in a point for the opposing team. And that is bad! So, when a ball comes to those of us on defense and we are unsure whether or not we have time to pass it, we kick it out.

    In life, we sometimes have things that we think might be impure, but we are not really sure, so we keep them in our lives. Keeping impure things in our lives, however, separates us from God and hurts our witness.

  • Competitor's Creed Video

    September 02, 2009


  • Betrayed

    September 01, 2009


    In the Psalm 55, we find King David in anguish because his third son, Absalom, has spearheaded a revolt. One of David’s most trusted advisors also betrayed him by giving Absalom advice on how to successfully dethrone his father. In this time of lamentation, David gives us a good example of how to handle the wounds from a confidant.

  • Touch the Line

    August 31, 2009


    “Touch the line!” is a phrase that athletes hear constantly, a call to run a sprint the right way. In my own personal experience this phrase has often been followed by the dreaded “that one didn’t count.” Needless to say, no one likes to run more than they have to.

    Why would a coach make an athlete run again just for missing a line? I mean really, sometimes it’s only a matter of inches. The answer has to do with hard work and discipline. A coach never wants to see a player cut corners. He or she wants every player to realize their full potential, even if that means focusing on seemingly minor things. The same is true of our Heavenly Coach.

  • 2009 Metro Md Power Camp

    August 31, 2009


  • Back to School - Kids & Snacks

    August 28, 2009


    So hat are the best options for snacks to keep your kids energized throughout the day?

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