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By Malcolm Marshall

September 01, 2009


God, listen to my prayer and do not ignore my plea for help. Pay attention to me and answer me.–Psalm 55:1-2a


In the Psalm 55, we find King David in anguish because his third son, Absalom, has spearheaded a revolt. One of David’s most trusted advisors also betrayed him by giving Absalom advice on how to successfully dethrone his father. In this time of lamentation, David gives us a good example of how to handle the wounds from a confidant.

In Psalm 55:1-8, David basically told God, “I am crying out to you Lord because I am scared, upset, and terrified! I would like to run away from it all.” In verses 12-13, he described his pain: “Now, it is not an enemy who insults me—otherwise I could bear it; it is not a foe who rises up against me—otherwise I could hide from him. But it is you, a man who is my peer, my companion and good friend!” One of David’s trusted friends betrayed him!

To prevent bitterness during a time of betrayal, remember this—the one who offends us the worst is the one we need to love the deepest. The core of who we really are can be seen in how we respond to situations. We act out our belief system. In other words, what we do cannot be separated from what we believe. If we believe in revenge and carry it out, our actions suggest that we do not really trust God’s Word. Furthermore, harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


1. In what instances has God forgiven you?
2. Why do you think we sometimes assume revenge is justified?
3. From whom are you withholding forgiveness?


Extra Reading: Psalm 41:9-13; Mark 11:25-26; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Ephesians 4:3-32


Heavenly Father, forgive me for not forgiving others. I don’t want to be consumed by bitterness and the poison of unforgiveness. You do not withhold Your love from me. Teach me how to do the same for others. Amen.

About the Author:

Malcolm Marshall is the chaplain for the NBA’s Houston Rockets. He also ministers as Christian rapper Excelsius. Malcolm and his wife Stacey (a former coach with the WNBA’s Houston Comets) are the proud parents of three kids: Jaren, Madison, and Sydney.