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  • Tapping into Your Potential

    June 24, 2010


    As athletes, a majority of us are constantly searching for two things when it comes to increasing our athletic performance:

    1. Things that make us better.
    2. Things that make us worse.

    Athletes who are serious about reaching their full potential are always looking for that next exercise, diet or drill that will help them increase their performance. Similarly, athletes are also on the lookout for things that will inhibit or corrupt their performance (bad habits, poor attitudes, wrong diets, etc.) so that they might be able make changes and achieve their full athletic potential.

  • 2010 Camp Radio Commercials

    June 22, 2010


    Looking to put a radio spot on your local radio stations? Here are the spots for you to use.

    Both are 30 seconds and one allows you to add your own tagline.

    Download MP3 file with Space for Local Tagline (.mp3)

    Download MP3 file with No Space for Local Tagline (.mp3)

  • Same Old, Same Old

    June 21, 2010


    I had to laugh when I realized what I did. Thankfully nobody was around to see my boneheaded move. As a frequent traveler, I am in out of airports and hotels all the time, which means I’m also in and out of a ton of different restrooms. I began to run out of patience as I kept waving my hands back and forth to trigger the motion detector that should have turned on the water. After about 30 seconds of this, I thought the sink was broken. When I started to move to the next sink, though, I noticed a strange looking thing called a handle on top of the faucet. I was busted. With a simple turn of the handle, I had my water.

  • FCA General Theme

    June 21, 2010


  • Campus Ministry

    June 21, 2010


  • Coaches Ministry

    June 21, 2010


  • The Lead Blocker

    June 21, 2010


    Students of this proverb indicate the writer had more in mind than just direction and guidance when he stated that God will guide us on the right paths. If we rely on Him, God can remove obstacles that might be in our way, like a ball carrier who relies on his lead blocker to take on opposing linemen and linebackers in football.

  • Train Your Spirit

    June 18, 2010


    Athletes spend hours each week training their bodies. Whether it is with a team, a community group or all by yourself, we all have to practice in order to achieve our athletic goals. Our commitment to training changes the pace of our daily lives. Consider this, how many times have you said “As soon as I’m done with my workout I’ll….” See what I mean? As a distance runner, some workouts have me out on the road for almost 2 hours. With stretching, cool down jogs and cross training, my day can easily become defined by my workout.

  • Dog on a Leash

    June 18, 2010

    No matter what the conditions, I love to get in a morning run. If I don’t do it early, it won’t happen, especially when I’m traveling. 

  • Labor

    June 17, 2010


    Do the implications presented in this verse grab your attention? Do you labor or stay alert in vain? Perhaps you’ve heard the statement, “Where there is smoke; there must be fire.” The unconditional love of God is the “smoke” that demands a response of obedience, especially when it comes to our daily labor.

    God, in His infinite wisdom, allows us to choose between doing things our way or His way. There are painful lessons to be learned from laboring and staying awake in vain, without the residing power of God’s Spirit. God’s preference is for us to enter into that quiet place of rest and abide in Him. He commands us to cease striving and know that He is God!

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