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The Lead Blocker

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By LColey

June 21, 2010


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. — Proverbs 3:5–6


Students of this proverb indicate the writer had more in mind than just direction and guidance when he stated that God will guide us on the right paths. If we rely on Him, God can remove obstacles that might be in our way, like a ball carrier who relies on his lead blocker to take on opposing linemen and linebackers in football.

Our ultimate opponent, Satan, is continually pursuing us and trying to throw us for a loss, just like the opposing team is trying to take down the ball carrier. God wants us to rely on Him and follow His lead. Sometimes it takes patience, just as the ball carrier has to let the play develop and follow his blockers. When we have to carry the ball in life, we have two options: ignore the play that’s been drawn up, try to do it ourselves, and face the opposition on our own; or, run the play our coach has drawn up, follow our lead blocker, and let him remove obstacles from our path.

As coaches, we are constantly planning—whether for the next play, the next game, or the next season. Too often, we think we’ve got our life planned out as well. We ignore God’s lead, even though He is ultimately in control and has an appointed goal for us.


1. What obstacles do you face in your life? In your relationships? In your coaching?
2. Are you trying to do things on your own, or are you following the playbook and giving God a chance to direct you and remove obstacles from your path?
3. Do you have patience to follow God’s plan for your life?


Lord, I pray that You will show me the path You want me to follow. Give me the faith to trust in You and Your plans for my life. Remove any obstacles that might hinder me from reaching the appointed goal You have for my life. Give me patience to let Your plans develop. Amen.