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  • Peace to You

    August 20, 2013


    Sometimes we are up against opponents who may seem insurmountable, like an all-state player to guard or an all-conference tackle who has completely buried us in the past. Sports psychologists and coaches agree that the way we prepare for competition determines how we will perform in the heat of battle.

    Daniel saw a vision of how the world was going to end and was so frightened he was shaking. An angel placed his hand on Daniel’s shoulder and reminded him of a few things.

    Don’t be afraid. That is a command, not a suggestion. Our training prepares us to meet any challenge. We may not overcome every opponent, but as children of God, we do not need to have fear. God treasures us. He loves us very dearly and will take care of us.

  • Play with Purpose

    August 19, 2013


    I’ve been blessed to accomplish some amazing feats that only a handful of female basketball players have achieved. During my career, I’ve been honored to play on an NCAA National Championship team, a WNBA Championship team and an Olympic gold medal team. At Notre Dame, I hit the game-winning shot and was voted the 2001 Final Four’s Most Outstanding Player. With the Detroit Shock, I was named the 2003 WNBA Finals MVP.

  • Sharing Your Faith

    August 18, 2013

    I remember a teammate coming to me and asking, “So how do I become a Christian?” After trying to share Christ with this guy for two seasons, he was finally open! Here was a great window of opportunity and I choked! My answer was pretty lame!
    We may pray for our teammates, encourage them, give them literature, provide positive role models, and hopefully shatter their misconceptions of what they perceive a Christian to be; but are we prepared when they ask, “What must we do?” Do we have a response? Sometimes we are so focused on preparing the message that when it comes time to deliver, we blow it.

  • Worth Every Penny

    August 17, 2013


    In the movie Invincible, the story of Philadelphia Eagles fan-turned-NFL-pro Vince Papale plays out on the big screen. After losing his job and wife, he was told he would never amount to anything, that he wouldn’t make any money, and wasn’t going anywhere.

    Some of us have experienced a coach saying, “You’re not talented enough. You won’t make it.” Possibly a coworker, spouse, friend, or parent has caused doubt.

  • What’s the Cost?

    August 16, 2013


    As athletes, we know the cost associated with excelling in sports. We sacrifice our bodies and endure muscle aches and injury to get stronger. We practice hours every day, often sacrificing other things, to refine our skills.

  • In the Light

    August 15, 2013


    I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my life to be a lie. If we claim to be followers of Jesus Christ but live “in darkness,” the Holy Spirit—through the apostle John—tells us we are liars. The other option is to “walk in the light,” as Jesus did when He was on the earth. If we are faithful in doing so, two things are granted to us: fellowship with other believers and continual cleansing from sin.

    Sharing life with others who know Jesus is important; God did not create us to be alone! When we “walk in the light,” the dark parts of our lives are revealed, giving us the opportunity to correct them, repent, and move forward, and allowing us to grow closer to our Father along the way.

  • Fields of Faith Press Release Kit

    August 14, 2013


    These documents help promote your Fields of Faith event to local radio, TV and newspapers. Includes a guide and a sample press release.

  • Me and My MP3

    August 14, 2013


    I am training for a marathon—a grueling task that is even more difficult because I’m training alone. Some training runs have been up to 18 miles—all on my own. When I run it’s just me, the trail, and my MP3 player. Before I decided to do the marathon I told God I wanted to run for His glory. With a month of training to go, I realized something had become all too familiar to me. Even when I didn’t have on headphones, I was singing in my head. I had been listening to my MP3 so often that the songs were in my mind all the time. When I focused on the words, I realized something was wrong.

  • Sports Drinks

    August 13, 2013


    Athletes today have an overwhelming amount of choices in what to drink while they work out. Sports drinks come in multiple brands, colors, and flavors. Water isn’t just water, now it has vitamins, minerals, and other benefits. Hardly anyone drinks plain water because sports drinks are advertised as a way to get an edge on the competition before, during, and after a workout or game.

    Water was important to the people of the Old Testament. It was a daily struggle to go to the well and get enough water to cook, clean, drink, and bathe. A refreshing underground spring was a valuable resource. Many had to settle for a “cistern,” which was a hole dug in a rock to catch rainwater.

  • Followership

    August 12, 2013


    NBA Player, Chauncey Billups, said, “To be a good leader, at some point you have to be a good follower. I was always a good follower. I always followed the right people and listened to the right things.
    Those helped shape me as a leader.” So, are you a good follower?

    I can’t tell you how many times I have heard “Are you a leader or a follower?” when I was growing up. A subtle principle was communicated through that question: “be a leader not a follower!”

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