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  • Coaching Staff Transitions

    July 30, 2009

    Through my fourteen years of service as a sport chaplain with college football, basketball, volleyball, baseball and other teams, I’ve endured several staff transitions. Some were due to resignations to take new opportunities and some due to firings. Either way, they’re not easy do deal with for the staff or the chaplain. Below are some simple thoughts on how to make the transition and to maintain your relationship with the new coaching staff, the support staff and the players.

    Related to the outgoing staff:
    · If the staff was fired, understand that this feels like failure and a lot like death to them.

  • One Life

    July 30, 2009


    The life of a young person today is much different than it was 10-20 years ago. But as our campers share this week with their Huddle Leaders, it is obvious that the same problems are still there and are big as ever. Trying to figure out what life to live proves to be troublesome for many of them.

  • Health Change #9 - Fast Food

    July 30, 2009


    Eat fast food once every 3 months! At the most.

  • Afraid of Success

    July 29, 2009


    If you would ask any random person on the street if they were afraid to succeed, they would probably look you straight in the eye and say, "No." However, in most cases, that same person who claims to not be afraid of success might be the very same person who didn't go the extra mile at work for the promotion, or didn't apply for that great new job with a promising future.

  • Health Change #8 - Sweet Tooth

    July 29, 2009


    If excess Refined Sugar causes so many problems, why do we still indulge?

  • Good News For Today

    July 28, 2009

    In Psalm 103, David gives us some good coaching. He says, "My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits. He forgives all your sin; He heals all your diseases. He redeems yourlife from the Pit; He crowns you with faithful love and compassion. He satisfies you with goodness; your youth is renewed like the eagle" (Psalm 103:2-5).
    I've come to realize that King David's day wasn't much different from today, with bad news all around. Everywhere you look -- the evening news, TV talk shows, newspapers -- it just seems that most of what we read or hear about is bad news.

  • Health Change #7 - Living Foods

    July 28, 2009


    Food has the potential to bring life or death! Choose life.

  • Do Without Challenge

    July 27, 2009

    The Lord commands us to do many things. While some things come easily to us, others are tough to control. Every person has something different that he struggles with when trying to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. But obedience to God is the key to having an abundant life, as well as an abundant eternity. 

  • Health Change #6 - More Water

    July 27, 2009


    Water could just save your life!

  • Health Change #5 - Water

    July 24, 2009


    We all know that we shouldn’t drink our calories…it’s time to change!

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