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  • Unashamed

    June 10, 2009

    When someone is on a team they usually wear team shirts, use team gear and do team cheers. They like to represent their team and let others know that they're part of it.
    As Christians, Jesus calls us to let our "light shine before men" rather than hiding His light under a shade and covering it. This doesn’t mean that we have to forcefully demand that someone become a Christian or go around telling people they're doing wrong all the time, but we should show Christ with our lives. We should live unashamed of being a Christian and never try to cover up the fact that we are followers of Jesus Christ.


    June 10, 2009


    Every day brings a new opportunity to win!

  • OW2P Study - Accountability (Part 4)

    June 09, 2009

    OW2P Study - Accountability (Part 4)

    To show students that, much like having a workout partner who spots us while lifting weights and pushes us to do our best, we also need a partner who will help us to stick with our commitment to play drug free. Accountability will help them stick to their commitment.

    Key Scriptures
    Proverbs 17:17; Proverbs 27:6, 17; 2 Timothy 4:2

    Warm Up
    In a small group, discuss or list things that normally do not need accountability to complete (like eating, sleeping) and discuss or list things that do need accountability (homework, working out). Have the groups report their findings to the entire group and explain why there is a difference between the two lists.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Body Fat vs. Body Weight

    June 09, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Body Fat vs. Body Weight

    Our culture is consumed with how much people weigh. In fact, the topic of losing weight shows up on magazine covers, newspaper articles and even in network television shows such as "The Biggest Loser." It’s amazing just how much power the number on the scale has to ruin a day!

  • Rebel With A Cause

    June 09, 2009

    Rebel With A Cause

    When Todd Abernethy first got the phone call from Rod Barnes, head basketball coach at the University of Mississippi, neither he nor the coach knew just how much God’s hand was at work. Abernethy didn’t know that as the head coach had searched for a point guard who could guide his team with maturity and integrity, that the Lord had given Barnes his name.

  • Side By Side

    June 09, 2009

    Side By Side

    When Keisha and Kara Cornelius were growing up in the dusty West Texas town of Denver City, all Kara wanted was to be with the sister who was four years her senior.

    For many years, Keisha didn’t understand the depth of Kara’s desire. She’d go out to ride her bicycle with her friends, and Kara — who still hadn’t learned how to ride — would run as fast as her feet could propel her in a futile bid to catch up.

  • San Diego Special

    June 09, 2009

    San Diego Special

    At a typical San Diego Chargers practice or game, offensive coordinator Cam Cameron does a lot of pointing.

    “That’s what we do as coaches,” Cameron joked. “We point.” And as cliché as it may sound, it remains true that the 20-year coaching veteran does more than just point out the plays he wants the reigning AFC-West Champion Chargers to run on the field. He also points his athletes to Jesus Christ through his life, which has been transformed since the day Cameron accepted Christ at an FCA Camp when he was 13.

  • Fired

    June 09, 2009


    There is a general rule in coaching circles that states, "There are two kinds of coaches in the world: those who have been fired, and those who will be fired."

    If you are a coach, are related to a coach or simply know a coach, this article is for you. Coaching isn't easy, and sooner or later, if the rule rings true, you're going to have to face an uncertain professional future. In order to help you handle this situation, we asked several coaches to share some tips they picked up from their own unemployment experiences. Let their words help you or someone you know find God in the middle of one of life's most difficult situations.

  • Walk-On Wonder

    June 09, 2009

    Walk-On Wonder

    To hear Texas A&M University basketball coach Billy Gillispie talk about Chris Walker's natural talent, you'd probably think the senior was a benchwarmer, not a guy who started 23 games last season. But to hear Gillispie gush, in the same sentence, about the "intangibles" that Walker brings to the Aggies, you'd think he was a sure-fire NBA lottery pick.

  • For the Glory

    June 09, 2009

    For the Glory

    How many times have you watched a basketball player stand poised at the free-throw line in acute concentration and take a moment to trace a cross over his chest? How often have you seen a baseball player knock the ball out of the park and, during his victory lap around the bases, point his index finger to the heavens in gratitude? How often have you heard national champions thank God during press conferences?

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