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  • Such a Time as This

    October 19, 2010


    We all know the story. It has been fantasized in the minds of aspiring athletes everywhere. It has been replayed continuously on driveways and vacant lots all over the world. Whether it’s one second left on the clock, the bottom of the ninth inning, or the last ten meters of a race, somehow the unlikely hero snatches victory from the jaws of defeat and basks in the adoration of the make-believe crowd.

  • Suffering and Success

    October 25, 2007


    1 – This is the sort of situation a competitor dreams about.

    • We’re playing for a championship.
    • All the events of this season and our combined character have lead us to this day.

    2 – Suffering and success – they go together.

  • Suffering for Christ

    October 05, 2006

    Have you ever been overlooked by a coach or lost your job because of your faith? What about being rejected by your family? Sometimes being a Christian will get you labeled as "soft" by others. This is especially true in the pro sports world. An NBA coach once said that two things have ruined pro basketball and the players who play it: golf and religion. While others may not outwardly say it, many people feel the same way about Christians who strive to live their faith in the workplace. Whatever it is you do, if you are a Christian, be prepared to suffer in some way. 

  • Suit Up for Battle

    January 22, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Could you imagine what the scores would be like if goalies weren’t allowed to wear any equipment.  We’ve got some talent between the posts during our skates but they thank much of that to the equipment they put on.  Not only does it help to stop the pucks, it stops the pain as well.  Going out there unequipped would be disastrous.  Sure they would stand there for a few minutes and maybe even grab a slow sliding puck with their bare hands.  But as the attacks keep coming, their lack of preparedness would leave them broken down.  Every player has equipment to keep them safe.  It helps them stand their ground and play hard.

  • Sun Up

    December 15, 2010


    I remember sitting at an FCA Camp in Marshall, Ind., when I was in high school and believing that I could conquer anything, Over the last five to seven years, I’ve grown to miss that feeling. After a period of spiritual dryness, I have now started once again to look for ways to build my faith. I started to read the Bible more and am doing devotions to help me get closer to God.

    Through the help of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, I came up with a simple method called “SUN UP.” It stands for Scripture Understanding Navigate Under Prayer.

  • Sun Up

    December 15, 2011


    I remember sitting at an FCA Camp in Marshall, Ind., when I was in high school, believing that I could conquer anything. Over the last several years, I’ve grown to miss that feeling. After a period of spiritual dryness, I have started once again to look for ways to build my faith. I started to read the Bible more and am doing devotions to help me grow closer to God.

    Through the help of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, I came up with a simple method called “SUN UP.” It stands for Scripture Understanding Navigate Under Prayer.

  • Super Size Me

    August 19, 2009


    Can eating Fast Food on a regular basis cause serious decline in health?

  • Super Sonic

    May 20, 2009

    Super Sonic

    In 2004, Hoosiers was voted the greatest sports movie of all time. Somewhere, Luke Ridnour was cheering.

    Maybe it was because he had grown up longing for the chance to be like Jimmy Chitwood. Maybe it was because he’d lived a Hickory-like experience growing up in smalltown Blaine, Wash. Either way, Ridnour agreed with the critics.

  • Superhero Challenge

    January 26, 2010


    Materials: none: pens and paper optional

    Divide into groups or tables of 5 or 6. In 2 minutes, with your group members, create a superhero based on Christian principles or Biblical principles or events. You must list 3 superpowers and at least one weakness. For example: (Superpowers: can walk on water, part a sea, full of patience. Weakness – speaks only King James English)

  • Superman

    April 11, 2009


    Stronger than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, faster than a speeding bullet . . . Who is this? You know it’s Superman. Or is it referring to what is expected of athletes today? The push to get bigger, faster, and stronger is quite evident around teams and weight rooms across the country. We see athletes who weigh 300 pounds running and jumping like guys nearly half their weight. How impressive is that? Yet if it isn’t used properly, all that talent and strength can go to waste.

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