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  • Taking One for the Team

    July 29, 2010


    I play softball for my high school, and I love it. The game, the fans, my fellow athletes—everything about the whole experience. I love it all! Every now and then in a game I am faced with a situation in which I need to take one for the team. Whether that is allowing myself to be hit by an inside pitch to get to first base, or trying to hit a grand slam to get more runs, or sitting on the bench so that another player can play. There are many chances for me to do whatever I need to in order to help the team.

  • Taking the Baton (Integrity - Chapter 10)

    April 07, 2008


    Duke Preston can still hear it now.


    His father’s deep, booming voice echoed throughout the cavernous racquetball court. Just moments earlier, assistant coach Raymond Preston had addressed his son’s freshman football team about a party that had taken place the weekend before. The unsupervised event resulted in a substantial amount of underage drinking—including participation by the younger Preston.

    And with his father’s firm, beckoning call, Preston knew he was busted.

  • Taking the Philippians Challenge

    October 20, 2010


    When I was in college, our FCA leaders were called the “God Squad.” We represented most sports and held each other accountable for our actions as ambassadors for Christ on the court and field. I remember after one game in which I got into a fight on the basketball court defending my point guard. My fellow squad members prayed for me that it would not negatively impact my testimony. I realized then for the first time that my life was either all godly, or all compromise. I apologized publicly at the next meeting for not representing Christ in public.

  • talents

    October 22, 2010


    What talent impresses God? No one can argue that Michael Jordan is the best basketball player ever, or that Tiger Woods is the most talented golfer in the world. But does their talent surprise God? Is Jesus amazed when Tiger sinks a fifteen-foot putt or when Jordan makes a game-winning basket? No, because He gave them these athletes their ability, so their victories are no surprise to Him. Actually, nothing surprises God. He has always known the end from the beginning in all matters.

  • Talk is Cheap

    September 07, 2013


    I had many favorite sayings as a coach. Here a some of them:

    -- Rule 1: The coach is right.
    -- Rule 2: If you think Coach is wrong, see Rule 1.
    -- Whether you can or can't, you are right.
    -- Don't tell me. Show me.

    The last one may have been my favorite. Athletes have a hard time backing up what they say. They talk a good game, but many times today's athlete can't back it up. All in all, talk is cheap.

  • Tamika Catchings

    June 01, 2007


  • Tamika Catchings

    July 01, 2013

  • Taming the Tongue

    October 02, 2007


    This is an article to help a sport chaplain or sport mentor to deal with the issue of cursing and vulgar language among his/her coaches and players. It helps clarify the issues, deals with the weaknesses of various external approaches and directs the reader to consider the matters of the heart which come to light in one's speech. It also prescribes an inside-out approach to the issue.

    “What did I just say?”

  • Tangled Up

    April 26, 2012


    Imagine running a race with your jeans hanging low or while wearing bagging sweat pants. You'll either wind up tripping or waddling like a penguin. Regardless, you are sure to lose the race. However, if you are serious about winning, you will do all that you can to keep yourself from tripping or being slowed down.

    Second Timothy 2:4 says, “No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.” The Greek word “empleko” refers to a person who is tangled up in his or her garments or caught in some type of vine. This word was used to describe someone who was running and got his clothes entangled in his legs.

  • Tapping into Your Potential

    June 24, 2010


    As athletes, a majority of us are constantly searching for two things when it comes to increasing our athletic performance:

    1. Things that make us better.
    2. Things that make us worse.

    Athletes who are serious about reaching their full potential are always looking for that next exercise, diet or drill that will help them increase their performance. Similarly, athletes are also on the lookout for things that will inhibit or corrupt their performance (bad habits, poor attitudes, wrong diets, etc.) so that they might be able make changes and achieve their full athletic potential.

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