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Tangled Up

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By Rex Stump

April 26, 2012


“No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.” - 2 Timothy 2:4 (NASB)


Imagine running a race with your jeans hanging low or while wearing bagging sweat pants. You'll either wind up tripping or waddling like a penguin. Regardless, you are sure to lose the race. However, if you are serious about winning, you will do all that you can to keep yourself from tripping or being slowed down.

Second Timothy 2:4 says, “No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.” The Greek word “empleko” refers to a person who is tangled up in his or her garments or caught in some type of vine. This word was used to describe someone who was running and got his clothes entangled in his legs.

In battle, soldiers who desire to do their jobs properly must make sure that they don't allow anything to distract them from their duties. A good soldier will not permit him or herself to get tangled up in the affairs of life. In the same way, we as believers in Jesus Christ need to check and see what is tripping us up and keeping us from serving Him.

Think about the “things” in your life--your possessions, the material objects you own. Have they become so woven into your life that you cannot live without them? Could you give them up if the Lord asked you to? In my life, I realize that something as simple as watching TV can tangle me up and slow me down when trying to live for Jesus Christ. How many times have we watched athletes get in trouble because alcohol and partying was more important to them than being a good teammate? They chose the things of the world over their commitment to their team, and it caused negative results. If material things in our lives mean so much to us that we can't live without them, we will be tangled up and will never run effectively for our Lord.

I encourage you today to examine yourself as you serve the living Christ. Do everything in your power to keep those material things of the world in the right perspective. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the areas you need to untangle and then ask for His help!


1. What could be causing you to run ineffectively? What is tripping you up?
2. Have you asked the Holy Spirit to help you?
