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  • Toughness

    August 30, 2013

    When I was eight years old, my older brother, Steve, younger brother, Bill, and I were heading home from playing baseball. Suddenly, some kid attacked Steve from behind. Six-year-old Bill picked up our bat and began to wail on Steve’s attacker. The kid took off, and we sprinted home. Soon, a knock came at our door. Knowing it was the enemy, we sent Mom. Swinging a rolling pin in her hand, she yelled for the kid to go home and never come back. He never came back because he knew the Elliotts were tough!

  • Tracey DeKeyser

    February 09, 2011


    Get to know Tracey DeKeyser, the assistant women's hockey coach for the Wisconsin Badgers, by listening to this exciting conversation about her career, faith and family.


  • Tracking the Training

    January 12, 2011

    Tracking the Training

    Many athletes, myself included, keep a journal or log of their workouts. This allows us to set goals and track our times, distances, results, resting heart rate, etc. From this journal, we can see how we’re progressing (or not) and adjust accordingly. It is a valuable tool for training, race preparation, or other goals we’re trying to achieve.

  • Trademark and Copyright Information

    July 13, 2009

    This document covers the Trademark and Copyright Information for the website

    Copyright © 2025 by Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the authors. All rights reserved.

    Copyright Statement

    From our web site at, you may download the information and use it on your computer for personal study or you can print it or use it in a multimedia presentation for yourself and others as long as you give it away and do not charge for it and you must give appropriate attribution/credit (see below Information to Include on copies used for ministry purposes) In this case, free means free. It cannot be bundled with anything sold, nor can you charge for shipping, handling, or anything. It cannot be posted on other websites or servers (see Electronic Access below). It is provided for personal study or for use in preparation and presentation of FCA huddles, FCA ministry related events, sermons, Sunday school classes, or other non-commercial study. This release applies to all resources on including but not limited to devotionals, bible studies, articles, videos, podcats, wallpaper, icebreakers, outreach ideas, promotionals, games, team buildres, skits, photos and logos.

    Resources that include their own copyright information are subject to the owners copyright.

    Content Ownership

    All writers will receive full attribution on published resources. All contributions will remain the property of the respective writers. However, the Fellowship of Cristian Athletes reserves the right to edit submissions for content and length, and post the resources in any FCA publication, resource or website deemed appropriate.

    Information to Include on copies used for ministry purposes

    The material on the site is provided for FCA ministry. When used for ministry purposes, the material may be quoted/copied provided the following credit is included with the material. The suggested format is: Author, Title of the work (if known),. Copyright year [-if not known use 2006], FCA; reprinted with permission from, [Example Dan Britton, Extreme Makeover: Athlete Edition Copyright ©2009 FCA, reprinted with permission from

    Material from the site may not be edited (words added or deleted) without our permission.

    Material from the site may not be reprinted for commercial publication or fund raising purposes without our permission.

    Material including all video content from the site may not be duplicated for commercial publication or fund raising purposes without our permission.

    Credit Lines for material

    The following credit is to be included with the material. The suggested format is: Author, Title of the work (if known),. Copyright year [-if not known use 2006], FCA; reprinted with permission from, [Example Dan Britton, Extreme Makeover: Athlete Edition Copyright ©2009 FCA, reprinted with permission from

    Requests for Permission to Repost Resources on Other Sites

    We do not grant permission for our materials to be reposted on other web-sites. We're more than happy for you to place a link to our resources on your website.You do not need to obtain permission to link to any resource on

    Translation of articles on the site

    We encourage anyone to translate any resource. Therefore permission is granted for you to translate the resources on the site provided you acknowledge the source and include the statement (used by permission author's name, Copyright ©2009 All rights reserved ) and that you submit the translated material back to us so we can post it on the site for others to use.

  • Train Right

    November 05, 2008


    Are you training right for spiritual and physical health?

  • Train Right

    October 27, 2013


    Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.” I have never met an athlete who didn’t want to win. Not one. But wanting to win and doing what is necessary to win are two different things. Even

  • Train with Wisdom

    October 02, 2007

    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 8

    I Timothy 4:1-8

    Read the text aloud.

    Discussion Questions:

  • Train Your Spirit

    June 18, 2010


    Athletes spend hours each week training their bodies. Whether it is with a team, a community group or all by yourself, we all have to practice in order to achieve our athletic goals. Our commitment to training changes the pace of our daily lives. Consider this, how many times have you said “As soon as I’m done with my workout I’ll….” See what I mean? As a distance runner, some workouts have me out on the road for almost 2 hours. With stretching, cool down jogs and cross training, my day can easily become defined by my workout.

  • Training

    April 28, 2009


    What does it mean to train for Godliness?

  • Training for Battle

    January 30, 2013


    It's absolutely crazy what athletes go through in the NFL Scouting Combine. A few days of testing that will most likely determine if they are drafted or have a future in the NFL.

    There are training facilities across the country that help those NFL hopefuls prepare for Combine's physically challenging events including the vertical jump, 40-yard dash, 3-cone drill and bench press among others.

    In addition to the drill work, these facilities do a number of tests including putting athletes in a "bod pod," to test the body's fat count, as well as doing electromagnetic testing of the nerves and joints. There are nutritionists, orthopedic surgeons and even interview coaches.

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