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Train Right

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By Jimmy Page

October 27, 2013


The training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.–1 Timothy 4:8


Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.” I have never met an athlete who didn’t want to win. Not one. But wanting to win and doing what is necessary to win are two different things. Even

Paul, a non-athlete, knew an athlete would have to train right in order to have an opportunity to win. Paul knew that self-discipline, focus, and proper training techniques were required to get the prize. Athletes today take advantage of the latest nutrition programs in an effort to take their game to the next level. We set up regular, progressive training schedules to improve specific aspects of our conditioning and performance. Without this type of training it is virtually impossible to reach our full potential and compete at the highest levels.

The same is true of our spiritual life. It is virtually impossible to grow into the likeness of Christ without a spiritual training program. But most of us do not approach our spiritual life with the focus and discipline required to get the prize that lasts forever. We are often lazy in reading God’s Word, undisciplined in our prayer time, and unprepared for the challenges of life. Spiritual training comes primarily through the foundational four—intimate prayer, meditation on God’s Word, Scripture memorization, and accountability. It is time to train right. It is time to approach our spiritual training with the same focus and tenacity we apply to our physical training.


1. Do you follow a daily spiritual training program?
2. Are you training in a way that prepares you for the demands of life?
3. What can you do to become more like Christ?


Extra Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24-25; 1 Timothy 4:7-8


Lord, forgive me for neglecting my spiritual training. Help me build the foundational four in my life. In Your name I pray. Amen.

About the Author:

Jimmy serves as the Mid-Atlantic Vice President of Field Ministry for FCA. As a twenty-year medical fitness leader and former National Director of FCA Health & Fitness, he hosts Fit Fridays on 95.1 SHINE FM. Jimmy is an author of four best-selling books – WisdomWalks, WisdomWalks Sports, PrayFit, and One Word That Will Change Your Life. He is a coach, cyclist and triathlete. He and his wife, Ivelisse, started a cancer foundation called following her victory over cancer. They reside in Maryland with their four children. You can e-mail Jimmy at