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  • Landry Jones - I Am Second

    January 12, 2011

    Landry Jones - I Am Second

  • Lap Sit

    October 12, 2009


    The group will start in a circle.  Every group member will turn placing their left leg towards the inside of the circle.  Everyone will take one giant step into the middle of the circle to create a tight circle.  With hands on the person’s shoulders in fron

    Physical Activity Level: 
    Group Size: 

  • Lasting Integrity

    January 13, 2014


    Our integrity is revealed when we’re faced with a decision to do what we know is right, even if it conflicts with what we want. We are called to act according to God’s will instead of our own.

    It was a beautiful spring day in 1980 in northwestern New York State, a great day for a lacrosse game. The Watertown Cyclones, a powerhouse team, was visiting their cross-town rivals, the General Brown Lions. Though underdogs, the Lions were a gritty blue-collar team, and they had home field advantage. If all their starters played at 100 percent, they had a chance to upset the Cyclones. It was exciting!

  • Lasting Leadership

    March 11, 2005


    Coaches are always looking for the winning edge. We continually explore new techniques or systems to improve our programs. We go to clinics, conferences and seminars to learn how it should be done. Of course, no one coach is successful 100 percent of the time. But I know one coach who always did it right.

    The Master Coach personally selected His own team. He poured His life into a team of 12, worked with them for 3 years, and then sent them out to teach and prepare others for future good work. In fact, He instilled lasting leadership skills among His team in the following five ways:

  • Lasting Legacies (Excellence - Chapter 7)

    December 01, 2008


    Depending on to whom you’re talking at the time, conversations about the King will likely invoke numerous topics. When it comes to rock and roll, there’s no doubt that immortalized crooner Elvis Presley fits the bill. Then you have the King of Pop, a nickname commonly given to iconic entertainer Michael Jackson.

    History has also provided us with numerous real-life kings, including such notable biblical leaders as King David and King Solomon and such well-known English rulers as King James I (known for his commissioning of the King James Version of the Bible) and King Henry VIII (infamously known for his many wives).

    But within the world of sports, only one image comes to mind when that nickname is uttered: NASCAR legend Richard Petty.

  • Laura Story Testimony

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Includes the testimony of Laura Story.


  • Lauren Cheney

    July 01, 2012

  • Law

    January 07, 2014


    It seems the psalmist’s heart, informed by God’s truth, was the source of his wise speech and security in life. Many coaches rest their security in their players’ abilities, which serves them  well until injuries occur. Other coaches find security in knowledge of their sport or the experience of their coaching staff. Others appear fully confident, but are then found to be inferior in competition. In each case, their confidence easily turns to anxiety because of the nature of their source.

    Our heart can be a limitless source of peace and confidence if we maintain our relationship with Christ through careful study of the Bible. Reading the Scriptures regularly deposits the law of God in our hearts and will keep our steps from slipping.

  • Lay It Down for the Team

    March 07, 2014


    As a result of pride, athletes can easily live for their personal agenda. Pride can make players want to play more often, cause others to fall short of their talent, and lead some to take all the credit for a win. Pride prevents a team from reaching its maximum potential. Jesus laid down His agenda for us; in fact, He laid down His very life. Certainly on a much smaller scale, but true nevertheless, a team will never reach its goals unless its athletes lay down their personal agendas for the sake of the team as a whole.

  • Laying It On The Line (Excellence - Chapter 11)

    December 01, 2008


    Mixing faith and athletics has always been a tricky proposition. Some believe the two are inseparable, while others don’t think God has—or even cares to have—a place in the sports world.

    In 2001, the folks at Catholic Supply decided to throw their opinion into the public arena by releasing a series of statuettes that depict Jesus playing various sports (baseball, golf, tennis, hockey, and so forth) with adolescents. These figurines quickly became a big hit but also took plenty of shots from the media and the entertainment world—in particular from Conan O’Brien, who regularly included them in innocuous comedy bits on his late-night talk show.

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