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  • One Thing

    March 11, 2014


    Paul uses the phrase “one thing” to bring focus and clarity to his calling. This phrase appears five times in the New International Version of the Bible—once in the verse above in Philippians and four times in the Gospels:

    In Luke 10:42, Jesus says to Martha, “only one thing is needed.”
    In both Luke 18:22 and Mark 10:21, Jesus tells the rich man that he still lacks “one thing.”
    In John 9:25, the blind man who was healed by Christ tells the Pharisees, “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

  • One Truth

    July 08, 2004


    To many campers, truth is a relative thing. "Being close counts, doesn't it?" they ask. Not exactly. During one of the ice-breaker games for the week, people were asked to share three things with their group, two truths and one not so true. But all three seem rather believable at times.

    Finding truth can be very difficult. Students are being bombarded with many different truths today. They are told that sex is safe, drugs are fun and won't hurt you, drinking too much won't do anything to you, and so on and so on. Everybody's doing it, so it must be okay. WRONG. During today's Huddle time the campers learned what real truth is, and who He is.

  • One Way

    July 07, 2004


    How many different ways can you get to FCA Camp? Planes, trains, automobiles. Those are just a few, but they come from all directions to make it on time. Once they arrive, the games begin and the coaches find each athlete has a different way of playing their sport. Each technique is similar but has its own unique way of getting things done.

  • One Way 2 Play

    July 14, 2013


    Most students who find themselves in situations or places that they hoped they’d never be do so because of tiny compromises that they made early in their life journey. I have never met a student who has ever identified alcoholism as a career goal. Neither have I met an ambitious student whose “Top 10 Things to Do Before Graduation” included becoming a parent prematurely, getting kicked off the team, or losing the trust and respect of their parents.

    Although most students would want to avoid these misfortunes like the plague, many engage in behaviors that increase the probability of them experiencing these situations. These compromises are common among all teens, black or white, rich or poor, and regardless of whether they live in the city or suburbs.

  • One Word That Will Change Your Team

    June 04, 2013


    What if there was one thing would improve your team in incredible ways? What if One Word could mean the difference between failure and victory? It’s time to focus and motivate your team with just One Word.

    At the beginning of every season, thousands of coaches, athletes and teams gather to discuss their goals. Goals and plans are passionately shared and written down with anticipation and excitement. It’s an experience filled with energy, hope and optimism.

  • One-on-One with Kapua Torres

    June 03, 2009

    One-on-One with Kapua Torres

    It’s not difficult to see how Kapua Torres’ story is unlike that of most girls her age. A former state champion on the all-girl wrestling team at Kahuku High School in Hawaii, Torres is now one of the few female wrestlers competing at the college level. But it isn’t just the sport itself that sets her apart — it’s also her talent.

  • Ones to Watch

    July 01, 2012

    Ones to Watch

    This summer, thousands of world-class athletes will descend upon London to represent their countries at the Olympic Games. Among them will be a group of believers who will also be representing Jesus Christ as they square off in competition. some of these Christian athletes shared what it means to compete for Christ on the world’s greatest athletic stage.

  • Ones to Watch

    May 06, 2009

    Ones to Watch

    This summer, as the Olympics play out, many athletes will be giving all the glory to God. Get to know a few of them here, and then cheer them on as they compete!

  • Only One

    July 29, 2010


  • Only One Study

    August 07, 2010


    Key Verse:  "Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.'" -  John 14:6

    • How many of your friends are looking into other religions to find answers to life?  What are they exploring?

    • Why do you people follow such religions?

    • What do other religions promise their believers?

    • Read John 14:6.  In reference to only one faith is the truth faith, how does this verse give us hope in Christ?

    • Why are people so turned off by Christianity today?

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