Paul gave great instruction on how to live with the peace of God. It’s easy to get caught up in everything going on around us and lose sight of our true purpose on earth, which is to serve God. He has blessed me with the opportunity to play football. It’s my responsibility to give everything I’ve got and use my ability to the fullest while praying for His direction. Anything beyond that is out of my control. If I’ve truly given my best, then I can have peace no matter what happens in a game, during the season, or throughout my career. This is true in every area of our lives. An eternal perspective is important. We are only here for a short time compared to the scope of eternity.
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Out of the Alternative: Part 1
I grew up in a family where there wasn’t any hope that life was good. There was no confidence that our lives had meaning, or that there was purpose for our being here on earth.
I was very distant from my parents. My dad spent all of his time sitting in a chair reading the newspaper, and my mom screamed and yelled constantly about anything and everything. I was terrified of her, but at the same time, I wanted love and affirmation from her. I did great in sports and even competed in nationals for swimming, but nothing I did seemed to make my mom like me.
Out of the Alternative: Part 2
For many years and generations, our society has been losing a most valuable ingredient: our men. Why do we see so many insurmountable problems? Why do we see so many perversions come to be accepted as “normal” and “natural”? I believe that most men don’t know what it means to be godly men and fathers. And women long to be women, but when men run away from their responsibilities women are left confused, as well. We must reach a place of brokenness before God to find our true identities.
Out of the Heart
Set:What we speak and how we speak comes out of our hearts. We all can let things come out of our mouths and realize that there’s a problem. Sometimes when I hear my players say certain things, I’m reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, “For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.” So you have to be a role model. You have to be an example. It takes action, and it takes attitude. Actions speak louder than words and attitude speaks louder than actions. You have to live by what you say. That speaks to a person’s integrity. Living it out is much more powerful than just saying it. Jesus lived it. We have His words, but we also have His actions. That’s so powerful.
Outward Appearance vs. Heart
Set:The Lord corrected Samuel’s natural inclination to judge people by their outward appearance—their height, weight, and other physical features. He called Samuel to look more deeply into people’s heart, as God does.
In the world of sports, it is easier and quicker to make judgments by what we see. Everyone who walks on to the field of competition immediately sees where the largest players are. What cannot be so easily seen is the nature of a player’s heart. Qualities like courage, perseverance, love, and loyalty cannot be observed by a glance. These are qualities of the heart and require a deeper look into the player and his values.
Overcome Adversity
Set:As a child, I dealt with the embarrassment of having to wear glasses and braces. And to make matters worse, I had problems with my hearing which required me to wear a hearing aid and affected my speech. You can imagine the name-calling that ensued. I remember one day on the way home from school, I was so frustrated that I took off my hearing aid and threw it into a ditch. Needless to say, my parents weren’t too happy about that.
Set:The song “Overcomer” by Mandisa is one of my favorite songs. But it’s more than just an emotional and spiritual pep-rally. As believers in Christ, the attitude of an overcomer is the one we are to walk in every day regardless of circumstances. Romans 8:37 (NIV) says that we are “more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
It’s easy to feel this way when it seems like everything is under control. Our relationships are great, we have good health, we’re doing well in school or at work, we’re excelling in our sport, etc. However, circumstances will change. And what we do when that happens makes all the difference.
Overcoming Fear
Set:As this young leader was about to lose his daughter, Jesus gave him three steps to overcome fear—a process that applies to us as well. (1) “Don’t be afraid.” This phrase is mentioned 365 times in Scripture. (2) “Only believe.” Believe that Jesus is more than capable of handling any situation. (3) “She will be made well.” When we obey His teaching not to be afraid and believe He is capable of handling any circumstance, we will come out just fine.
Whether you are facing a larger opponent, an opponent with a better record, or an opponent from a larger school, follow these steps and God will help you with your fear. Remember, God doesn’t care about the scoreboard as much as He cares about the attitude of your heart.
Overcoming Obstacles
Set:The Hall of Fame football coach of the Green Bay Packers once said, “Once a man has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It’s something we call heart power. Once a man has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success.” Many times I have looked at overwhelming obstacles in my life and have felt like there was no chance of victory. However, I have learned that no matter how big an obstacle is, I serve a God who gives me victory in spite of overwhelming odds. Caleb and Joshua wanted to conquer the people of Jericho when the rest of Israel was afraid.
Overcoming Offense
Set:In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us that without love nothing we are and possess nothing. This is a fundamental truth of Christianity. It’s so simple and yet so complex. We can say we believe it but our relationships with others will reveal whether or not we really do.
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