To help students in dealing with the powerful media messages about alcohol and tobacco products. Students need godly wisdom to navigate through the turbulent times of today.
Key Scriptures
1 Peter 5:8; 1 Chronicles 12:32; Proverbs 3:21
Warm Up
Divide into groups of four or five. Give each group a pen and a piece of paper and ask them to write down as many ad slogans as they can in 60 seconds. For example: “I’m lovin’ it™” and “Just do it.” Ask two or three groups to share their slogans with everyone. Point out how these messages get stuck in our brains.
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OW2P Study - Discernment (Part 7)
OW2P Study - Failure (Part 9)
To help students gain a better understanding of true repentance and God’s forgiveness; and to help students get back on track if they have broken their commitment to saying “no” to alcohol, drugs or tobacco.
Key Scriptures
Luke 22:54-61; Acts 3:19
Warm Up
As the group comes in, ask each person to find one person and share his/her most embarrassing moment in sports. (i.e. dropping a pass in the playoffs, shooting a game-losing airball, etc.).
Show the Week 9 video — “Failure”
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OW2P Study - Faith (Part 2)
Athletes need to realize that it must begin with faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord alone is able to forgive. They must have the wisdom to make the right decisions and have the strength to carry those decisions out. Athletes will be presented with the claims of Jesus Christ and will be challenged to make Him the Lord and Savior of their lives.
Key Scriptures
Hebrews 11:1-3; Hebrews 12:2-3; Galatians 2:20; James 2:17-19
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OW2P Study - Just Say "Know" (Part 10)
To help students understand God’s view of drugs, alcohol and tobacco; to help students realize that the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco has negative consequences; and to motivate students to live a life that honors God.
Key Scriptures
2 Timothy 2:5; Psalm 119:9-11
Warm Up
Break up into small groups. Assign each group a scripture from the list of Bible references on the dangers of drinking. (See end of lesson for list of Scripture references.) Have each group determine a lesson to learn from its Scripture and how it relates to their lives. Ask two or three groups to share with everyone.
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OW2P Study - Peer Influence (Part 6)
Too many attribute those intermittent disturbing instances of disobedience to the pressure our peers exert upon us. Is it really peer pressure? Is there literally someone “making” us smoke cigarettes, drink liquor or smoke weed? The threat is peer influence. Peer influence gradually and consistently speaks “do as I do,” hoping we eventually give up, give in, and then give out. In this section athletes will learn to identify peer pressure and peer influence and ways of defusing them both.
Key Scriptures
Psalms 139:13-16; Romans 12:1-2; Genesis 1:26; Proverbs 14:21; James 4:7
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OW2P Study - Playing One Way (Part 1)
Upon the completion of this study, athletes will understand the issues of alcohol and other drugs, and have a basic understanding of the OW2P program. Athletes will have the opportunity to examine their personal decision-making process. They will gain an understanding of the elements in their world that shape the decisions they make. They will be challenged to make a commitment to being drug and alcohol free by signing the OW2P Commitment Card.
Key Scriptures
1 Corinthians 6:18-20, Romans 12:1-2
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OW2P Study - Strong to the Finish (Part 12)
Most memorable classic victories involve a last-second heroic goal, a fourth-quarter interception at the goal line or a game seven, three-point jumper at the buzzer. Is this type of victory exciting? Yes. But certain? Probably not. Those kinds of victories rely on variables of chance in order to record the win. In our Christian experience, Jesus our Champion has already defeated our foe.
OW2P Study - Temptation (Part 8)
To help students see the cause-effect relationship between alcohol use and sexual promiscuity; and to give students tools to say “no” to alcohol and premarital sex.
Key Scriptures
Genesis 9:20-25; Genesis 19:30-36; Romans 13:12-14
Warm Up
Recruit six members to compete in a “drunk bat” relay. Divide into two teams of three. Begin the race by having one team member place his/her forehead on an upright bat, spinning around 10 times and then running with the bat a designated distance to a teammate who does the same. The process repeats until all three members have gone. This game shows how easy it is to lose control.
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OW2P Study - Training Factor (Part 11)
Being a champion is not easy. If it were easy, we’d all be champions. True champions do not just “rise to the occasion.” In actuality, their hard work meets the opportunity to succeed. When the competitor pays the price of practice, preparation and persistence, a champion is made. Here we discover the disciplines that define the champion, not just success in the contest but significance in a life of victory.
Key Scriptures
I Timothy 4:7-8; Acts 17:10; 2 Corinthians 2:11; Joshua 1:6-8; Psalms 119:9-11
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OW2P Study - Warning Signs (Part 5)
To help students recognize the warning signs of drugs and alcohol, and to give students tools to help peers seek treatment.
Key Scriptures
Proverbs 23:29-35
Warm Up
As students come in, hand out the following true/false “Alcohol IQ” test and ask each to complete it.
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