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  • Word in Motion

    May 06, 2009

    Word in Motion

    Randy Swearengin was a rookie FCA area representative, newly hired to a full-time position in Mississippi, when he entered a coach’s office in his district one morning armed with a box of Bibles and a heart determined to impact local coaches and athletes for Christ.

    He had recently purchased the box of FCA Coach’s Bibles with his own money and was planning to hand-deliver them to every local coach as way of introducing himself. This particular coach, however, known for being tough and hard-nosed on and off the field, would have nothing of it.

  • Word of God Speak

    April 08, 2013


    Something I have struggled with throughout my walk with Christ is feeling unworthy of His use. I’ve always thought I’m not good enough for God to use me as a tool to share His glory and His Word. I’m a sinner, and, as hard as I may try, I constantly fall short of His glory. What’s amazing, though, is that every time I’ve thought that, God has proved me wrong and shown me my worth to Him!

  • Words Matter

    November 06, 2009


    Once you say them, you can’t take them back!

  • Work In Progress

    April 26, 2005


    We have all coached them – the players who push us to the limit. Those players who drive you crazy (bless their hearts) as a coach because they either don't listen or don't do what you have asked them to do countless times. Just when you think you are about to pull out your last hair, a ray of light beams down, and something changes. Slowly, but surely, they start to change and conform to your coaching. Next thing you know, they get it. They actually get it. Sound familiar? Well, I know someone who has coached more people than any of us, and who deals with that exact situation on a daily basis.

  • Work, Wisdom and the One Thing Needed

    December 23, 2010


    There are mornings when we awaken with a heavy schedule bearing down upon us. When that happens, we are tempted to skip prayer and Bible reading and head right into our work. However, the very opposite response is really what we need. When we are feeling pressured by our schedules, that is the very time when we ought to pause and pray. The more we have going on in our lives, the more we need God to give us wisdom to accomplish one task at a time. It’s comforting to know that God cares about every aspect of our lives.

  • Working for God

    February 16, 2007

    I walked into the weight room scared to death. I had decided to walk on at a Division I school. Ever since third grade, it had been my dream to go to the NCAA Tournament, but as high school ended, no offers came. My mom and I sent letters to several Div. I schools, and Mississippi State University was the first to send me something back. After I visited the campus, I knew that was where God wanted me. And as I walked into the weight room that day, my dream lay right in front of me.

  • Working Wholeheartedly

    March 16, 2013


    Why do we do what we do? And how are we to do it? These questions arose while I was painting lines on FCA’s nine summer camp football fields. My initial answers were, I’m doing this because it has to be done—and as quickly as possible. When finished, I was disappointed in both my attitude and the poor quality of my work. My wife suggested I line the fields as if God were going to play on them. So, three days later I set off to line the fields for God. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t paint a perfectly straight line. I grew angrier with each mistake while practically screaming that I was doing this for God. After seven fields of beating myself up, God intervened and I realized I had missed the point.

  • Workout Partners

    October 23, 2013


    A workout partner is someone who will be there for you. It is a person who has your same desire to succeed. A workout partner is someone who can't wait to train with you. It is someone who can't wait to be energized by your energy level.

    Paul was writing to the church in Rome. He couldn't wait to see them and spend time with them. Paul was excited to help them train. He was excited to tell them about Jesus. Paul was excited to train with them and be mutually encouraged by them.

  • Worry Less

    May 21, 2009


    OK, I admit it. I worry too much. I worry about work, worry about my family, worry, worry, worry. And it always seems like for every worry I have, I gain 10 pounds. Talk about being weighed down! We all struggle with it from time to time.

    How do we get rid of the baggage that worry brings? Well, that is easy—leave it at the cross. Which, as we all know, is easier said than done. However, the second part of today’s verse is quite helpful. When I tend to worry too much, I find myself encouraging others more. I love to encourage others and brighten their days. Encouragement is fuel to our lives. It keeps our tanks full and overflowing.

  • Worship

    April 27, 2009


    One problem with us today is that we often forget we own nothing. Talent, leadership ability, and even the very lives we live are God’s property.

    Job lost all he had through no fault of his own. As he struggled to understand why, it became clear that it was not meant for him to know the reasons. How he reacted is paramount—He worshiped God! Today we tend to worship depending on how well life is treating us. Job exemplified a very valuable principle—worship is the lifestyle we lead, not the momentary prevailing mind-set.

    Walk it Out. We have to live out our theology through action.

    Obey. Every Christian has been called to obedience. Job was known as a man of integrity because he obeyed God.

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