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  • Gap-Free Living

    December 09, 2010


    There is a story from the French Revolution that tells of a man who was seen running after a mob. As he moved quickly into danger, somebody screamed, “Stop! Stop! Don’t follow that mob!” He continued to sprint toward them, calling back, “I have to follow them! I’m their leader!”

  • Gate-Crasher

    November 01, 2012


    I once heard of a man named Scott who calls himself a professional gate-crasher—and with good reason. He claimed to have attended 300 sporting events and concerts, including 25 World Series baseball games, all without paying a single penny. In fact, he wrote a book that describes 50 ways to sneak into concerts and sporting events.

    Scott’s gate-crashing raises all sorts of ethical questions, but let’s talk, instead, about a higher issue. Think about what it takes to get into Heaven. Jesus said there was only one way to get in: through Him (John 14:6). The “ticket” is having a personal faith in Jesus as your Savior, believing that He paid the penalty for your sin and accepting His offer of forgiveness as a gift (John 3:16; Romans 6:23).

  • Gear Up

    December 23, 2013

    Proper equipment is crucial in sports. When I watch youth sports, I see many athletes not using the right gear. Little League players use bats and gloves way too big for them. Young hoops players use balls twice the size they need and are shooting at hoops that are way too high. Football players are playing tackle before they can spell it. When preparing young athletes, coupling good equipment with proper instruction will lead to ultimate improvement.

  • Gearing up for Battle

    October 28, 2010


    Over the past two weeks, I have been listening to the guys on ESPN and the NFL shows give their two cents on the rules they’re going to enforce involving vicious hitting in pro football. The argument seems to be that violent collisions are occurring way too often and are being done with the intent to hurt a player, not just separate the man from the ball.

  • Get Better or Deader

    October 01, 2010

    Get Better or Deader

    Coach Sleepy Thompson coached football at my high school for 32 years. His teams boasted 29 winning seasons, 12 conference titles and three undefeated seasons. Coach Thompson had a gift for taking whatever boys came through the door (including myself) and turning them into winners. He coached in such a way that took the entire team to a higher level of competition.

    Personally, I’m fascinated by what makes a great coach like Sleepy Thompson. The word “coach” actually comes from the word “stagecoach,” implying that they take passengers from Point A to Point B. Coach Thompson knew where he wanted his teams to go, even though players like me didn’t have a clue. His Point B was very well-defined, and we had a clear destination.  

  • Get Fit

    June 17, 2013


    As an athlete the goal is to get in the best possible shape. Many athletes will cross train by running, biking, swimming, and other training programs to stay fit.

    I am sure the apostle Paul knew what it took to be in shape. He did not just hop into his Hummer and take off on his missionary journeys. He hoofed it to get from place to place. I don’t doubt that he was in pretty good condition. He wrote often about athletes and staying fit, understanding the need for spiritual fitness. Paul knew in order to battle his spiritual opponents, he had to be in the best spiritual shape possible. He studied God’s Word, prayed without ceasing, and fellowshipped with countless believers. He knew spiritual fitness would draw him closer to his heavenly goal.

  • Get Focused!

    August 01, 2008


    When I was 9 years old, I got a new pair of shoes and immediately wanted to race everyone in my neighborhood because I thought they would help me run faster. On one particular day, I dusted everyone who dared to step to the starting line, except one person . . . my own mother! “On your marks…Get set…Go!” I ran as fast as I could, and I even had a small lead. But when I decided to turn back and smile at my friends, my mom blew right past me! Can you imagine how embarrassed I was to get beat in a foot race by my own mom? That was also the day I found out Mom had run track in college at the University of the Pacific. (I joke that she should’ve been disqualified for having an unfair advantage!)

  • Get on a Mission!

    August 13, 2010


    Many people miss the heart of the promise in Jeremiah. Many of us forget that this promise is about God’s plans. It’s doesn’t say anything about our plans. As we develop and think about our mission and purpose on earth, we often create our own plans and then ask God to bless them. But a mission that makes a real difference, that makes the very most of our lives, comes from seeking and following God’s plans.

    If we want a life-changing, earth-shattering mission—if we want real purpose in our lives—we need to empty ourselves of our ambition and our own plans for our lives. In exchange, God gives each of us a life of meaning, peace and fruitfulness.

  • Get out of the Boat

    June 14, 2011


    Over the past few years, the technology for swim gear has improved drastically. During the Olympics in the 70s, the average male swimmer probably had swim trunks bought from a local department store, and he didn’t bother wearing a swim cap or shaving. Today, we have technology that makes swimsuits resemble shark skin for less resistance, which shaves the important hundredths of seconds off one’s time.

  • Get Over and Get On

    December 05, 2013


    Fifteen girls sat throughout the locker room avoiding eye contact with their coach. They had lost previous games but none this badly. Coach paced the quiet room finding his words. “What happened to this team?” Each word grew louder, leading into the speech the girls had heard before. “Three years ago we won state, now we can’t even win one game! I have never coached a team with less …” His words droned on, drowning the girls in further defeat.

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