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Love in Action
Set:Famous actor and director Peter Ustinov once said, "Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."As athletes and coaches in today's athletic scene, we have a love and passion for sports. That love drives us to try to become the best we can possibly be. And, as Christians, that means that we demonstrate love to our teammates, coaches, officials and even opposing players. -
Love One Another
Set:Growing up and well into my adult years, I was a dancer. I’m sure some of you are thinking, “This is the Fellowship of Christian ATHLETES, not dancers.” But let me assure you, as a dancer, you have to be an athlete. We had to practice, commit to conditioning, eat right, get enough sleep, and compete. Dancing definitely took hard work, diligence and teamwork.
Set:Offensive lineman Olin Kreutz began his career with the Chicago Bears and now, thanks to a contract extension through 2010, will end it with them. Kreutz turned down an opportunity to make more money with the Miami Dolphins in 2002 to stay with the Bears. "Not only has he been a good football player, he's been a very loyal player, and I also told Olin this: 'Loyalty is a two-way street.' I wanted to make sure he saw that first hand from our perspective," said Chicago Bears general manager Jerry Angelo. -
Loyalty Is Royalty
Set:David was new to his school and a great athlete. Jonathan was the first teammate David connected with and they became instant friends. For three years David and Jonathan grew very close. In the first game his senior year, David had an accident while driving. Many of his friends didn’t stick by his side, but Jonathan didn’t leave.
Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a friend is loyal—always loyal. We must ask ourselves, What kind of friend am I? Do I stick closer than a brother or take off when it gets tough? Can my friends count on me in times of need or just when things are good? When we find a friend who is loyal, we need to keep him or her around, because they are hard to come by.
Luke 22:28
Set:Hockey Chat: A battle for the puck is what the game is all about. What teamwork is about is getting in there and helping your teammate win the puck. There is that thankful feeling when the play moves on because of the support that your buddy gave in a time of need.
Luke 6:27
Set:Hockey Lesson: In our recreational games, sometimes we’re on the receiving end of a stinging wack or some harsh words. You have two choices. First forget that you came there to play hockey, let rage overtake reason, and go after the guy. Or second, remember all the wacks and words that you’ve dished out in the past and got away with, and play on. The choice of what to do is totally yours, but the reactions for your actions (fighting, getting hurt much worse, ejected from the game) are not.
Luke 6:31
Set:Hockey Chat: Knowing what to count on from your line mates also helps them to know what to count on from you. You’ve probably seen guys that work great together and always seem to be in the right place. That’s because the treat their linemate as an extension of themselves by being where they are needed and making the play happen knowing that others will be there too.
Luke 6:32
Set:The Lady Bing trophy is awarded to a player for the most sportsman like conduct. This is the only sport that actually gives an award for playing within the rules. Sounds ridiculous? Not really considering it’s the only sport where fighting is generally expected and only punished by 5 minutes of offsetting penalties. The point is that to play in such a tough field, and still keep courteous to those who generally don’t deserve it, deserves to be acknowledged and rewarded.
Luke 6:37
Set:Hockey Chat: There are so many terrible players that we skate with. They miss the open net. They bobble the pass that was right to them. They can’t skate fast enough to make the play. And one more thing…….they are just like you and me. Give them a break when they goof and maybe they’ll cut you some slack next time it’s your man you should’ve been defending that scores or you shoot wide of the pipes. NOTE: The worst thing about wanting to be on a perfect team is that they will only take perfect players. Where would that leave you?
Luke 6:38
Set:Hockey Chat: There are the guys on the team that wear the “C” on their sweater representing that they are the Captain. They’ve given their best at putting forth the qualities of a leader. The management of the team sees those actions and gives this prestigious reward to the top man who has earned it. It’s an honor given to them because of what they gave to the team.
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