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  • What’s the Purpose?

    May 09, 2013


    What does a basketball coach look for in his players when he walks into the gym before practice or a game? Perhaps what pleases the coach most is to see his players continuing to hone the skills that contribute to the team playing their best—shooting, dribbling, and passing. It would be disappointing  if he were to observe the players constantly working on the art of spinning the ball on their fingers.

  • What’s Your Favorite Sport?

    December 06, 2010


    Do you have a favorite sport? Maybe, maybe not, but regardless of the type of game we enjoy, our favorite aspect of any sport ought to be respect. We owe respect to our opponent and to ourselves, as well as to the sport we are playing. The name for such respect is sportsmanship, and it also includes courtesy and fairness. I’ve discovered a sportsman-like attitude in golf and in track more than in other sports. Golf is typically played with honor. Winning first place in track isn’t crucial; a runner can earn points for finishing third, fourth, or even fifth place.

  • What’s your position?

    July 01, 2010


    With the 2010 World Cup underway, many fans have noticed that some of the world’s greatest stars have been left off of their respective countries’ rosters. Many factors went into the decisions to leave these incredible players off their teams, but the underlying concept behind their omissions is the same: their presence on the team simply would not have increased their country’s chances of winning the World Cup. While each player is likely talented enough, those making the roster decisions understand that talent doesn’t always translate into success. Each position has a role to play, and, if the men in those positions don’t play it correctly, not only would their teams be unsuccessful, but there would be a certain level of chaos on the field.

  • What’s Your Purpose?

    July 27, 2013


    I’ve been in the Major Leagues for more than 10 years with the Baltimore Orioles. Looking back I can think of specific guys who were crucial to my development and maturity as a person and a baseball player. Now, as a veteran, I feel that it’s my role to share what I’ve learned from my experiences in the same way guys did with me when I was younger.

  • What’s Your Team Saying About You?

    February 01, 2013


    In this Bible story (Ac 4:1–13), we see courage on display in the lives of Peter and John. These great men were thrown into jail for speaking the truth and performing a miracle. When asked about their ministry, Peter boldly gave the glory to Jesus, not himself, and proclaimed that salvation was found only in Christ. This boldness could only be explained because they had experienced a personal a relationship with their Lord.

  • When in Doubt, Kick It Out

    September 02, 2009


    As a defensive player in soccer, I often hear the phrase: "When in doubt, kick it out." In soccer, if you mess around with the ball in the back, it can result in a point for the opposing team. And that is bad! So, when a ball comes to those of us on defense and we are unsure whether or not we have time to pass it, we kick it out.

    In life, we sometimes have things that we think might be impure, but we are not really sure, so we keep them in our lives. Keeping impure things in our lives, however, separates us from God and hurts our witness.

  • When Is Enough, Enough?

    February 17, 2004


    Running up the score, pressing until the final whistle, up 60, playing starters in the fourth quarter, scoring the tenth touchdown of the game, keeping your number-one goal scorer in to pad his/her stats … When is enough, enough? We see this in everyday sporting events, and it is beginning to creep into the youth sports movement. Ok, let me set the record straight. I am as competitive as the next person and have had my fair share of blowouts both for and against me in my days as a player and a coach, but where does compassion vs. competitiveness need to be addressed?

  • When the going gets tough. . .

    June 28, 2006

    How many of us today are aware of somebody who just doesn't like us? We all have people in our lives who try to put us down. As athletes, we encounter others who seek to break our confidence. Even more so, as Christians, we face individuals who do not understand our faith or our love for Christ and who, therefore, fear what they do not know.

  • Where do we go from here?

    January 25, 2011


    Leach, Leavitt, Mangino…Arenas, McGwire, Woods...These are just a few of the last names that have been in the sports pages recently for unbecoming conduct. Coaches who have reportedly lost their control both verbally and physically, and players who have reportedly lost their judgment, integrity and character. All of these men have fallen short of the standards set by their schools and teams and short of the vows by which they agreed they would live and coach.

  • Where Does Your Strength Come From?

    November 15, 2013


    As athletes, we workout to better ourselves for competition. We hit the weights to gain strength, speed and size. But have you ever had one of those days in which your strength wasn't where you wanted it to be or you just didn't feel strong? If you compete long enough, you’re bound to have those days occasionally.

    Have you ever had one of those days in life where you were feeling the same way spiritually? Like you just weren’t strong in your faith at all? In those times, we have to remember that it is not about us, it's about Jesus Christ. He is the One who gives us strength. It says in Psalm 33:16: "A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be delivered by great strength."

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