Picture this: It is the bottom of the eighth inning. There is one out with men on first and second. Your team, down by three, desperately needs a hit to stay in the game, and you are next up to bat. Do you give up or do you rise to the challenge?
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All Archive - July 2007
God's Baseball Team
Set:Successful teamwork is a key to winning in almost any sport, no matter how many athletes are playing. Let's think about baseball specifically. You start with a game of four-on-four. In that situation, you must work hand-in-hand with your teammates in order to prevent your four opponents from scoring runs, and then you must find a way to score runs yourself. Usually, in order to become effective teammates, you have to play a few games together in order to figure it out. And the more you play together, the better your team becomes. -
Did you hear that
Set:Did you hear that?I couldn't get to sleep last night. There were too many thoughts racing around in my mind, bumping into each other, forgetting where they were supposed to be, getting all jumbled and confused. Then one thought walked out of the nonsense and stood still, clear, fully complete: God is always listening. -
Making Excuses
Set:One of the easiest things to do in sports is to make excuses for a bad performance. Usually, the officials get blamed for our poor performance or lack of execution. Making excuses is an easy way for us to not take responsibility for our actions.In the same way, as Christians we sometimes make excuses for the sins we commit. It is easier for us to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions. Let's look at some common excuses Christians make and what we should do instead of making excuses.(a) "I won't get caught." -
"Glory Road" Bible Study and Guide
Based on the Disney film "Glory Road" (January, 2006) about coach Don Haskins and the boundary-breaking Texas Western basketball team, this 10-page Bible study and corresponding leader's guide takes readers through lessons that were addressed in the movie.
Topics include:
- Recruiting Strageties
- Good Players Need Good Coaching
- Great Players Persevere
- .Players Don't Stand Alone
- All Players Triumph through Belief and Action
- Conclusion: Go Play to Win!
The Four FCA Ministries - Four C's
This PowerPoint presentation communicates the FCA Vision, Mission and Values and describes the ministries of FCA: Coaches, Campus, Camp, Community.
Impact of Our Actions
Set:Every day we impact the people around us. Others see our actions and hear our words, and that causes them to form opinions regarding who we are. We do that same thing with the professional athletes we watch. The athlete who makes a scene with his temper is perceived differently than the player who is conscientious of his actions and keeps a level head.But because of the world we live in, professional athletes also are followed away from the game. The media watches their every move and tells us immediately if they make a mistake. -
The Sweep
Set:Last week, my mighty Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim got swept by the lowly Kansas City Royals, a team of young, no-name players who came in and shut down one of the hottest teams in baseball (at least they were before last Monday). When the Royals arrived they were 30-46 and owners of the second worst record in the majors; and at 49-27, the Angels held the second best record in the majors. To top it off, the Angels hadn't been swept at home since 2005. But it happened. It's history. It's in the record book. David slew Goliath.
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