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The Wright Stuff

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By FCA Resources

December 29, 2003


"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified…"
-Galatians 6:14a


Every once in awhile you find an athlete who has the right stuff. Talented on the field, in the classroom, with their friends, and everybody's All-American. Northwestern University has such a young man. His name is Jason Wright. I just watched Jason finish his football career the other night in the Motor City Bowl where he helped his team by gaining 336 all-purpose yards and was named Co-MVP of the game. His team came up short that night, but football is just what Jason does, it is not who he is. Jason learned a long time ago that his significance is found in Jesus Christ. His religion is not football, his truth is not his football playbook. He lives to serve Jesus Christ. His Bible is the ultimate "playbook" for his life. Jason’s football awards and honors have been high and great, but he counts them all for loss to gain his heavenly award.

Paul understood that concept, as well. After his conversion, he became a man who could have put himself high and above all others around him, but Paul was not that kind of person. He knew that all the praise and honor should be given to Christ. We find in Galatians 6 that Paul can only boast about one thing, his relationship with Jesus Christ and the forgiveness that the cross provided. In turn, this made Paul a grateful man. He was not interested in worldly gain or prestige, but in striving for his heavenly home. Fame and fortune did not make Paul who he was as a believer.

Similarly, Jason understands that football is his vehicle to share his faith with others. Though he garnished some great rewards in his college career, the greatest thing I ever saw Jason Wright do in a football game occurred after it was over. He put God first after a win or loss and gathered players from both teams to lift high the name of Jesus Christ. This was evident at the Motor City bowl, even after a terrible loss. Where was Jason? At the 50-yard line in the middle of more than 50 players, leading the prayer of thanksgiving for what God had allowed during the game. Here is a young man who flat gets it!

He truly has the Wright stuff! I am sure you will find this young man living for the Lord on Sunday sidelines next year!


1. Do you know an athlete with the right stuff?
2. As an athlete, do you find yourself boasting about your athletic gain?
3. How can you start today to find the right stuff in your life?


1 Corinthians 1:31
Acts 20:24