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Misery or Ministry?

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By FCA Resources

March 18, 2004


"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified Bible)


March Madness has arrived. How did these 64 teams and 64 head coaches arrive in the tournament? Some teams had it easy, some had a tough road, and still others charted new territory as they brought their team to the tournament for the first time in years. Early in the season, many coaches had to decide if they were going to dance to the madness or become miserable as their hopes were dashed by defeat after defeat. One such Coach took the road from misery to March Madness to ministry. Lorenzo Romar, head coach of the Washington Huskies, found the right road to take.

Coach Romar's Huskies started the Pac 10 season miserably at 0-5. Even his wife doubted if they could salvage the season. But Coach Romar leaned on the only thing he knew he could fully trust. His faith carried him and he continued to work hard. Forty-one days later, the Huskies had won 14 of 17 games and were playing in the conference championship game. What was the turn around? Honestly, I'm not sure. But I am sure that the verses in Proverbs rang true for Coach Romar during that time.

When we become believers, we need to fully trust in the Lord with 100 percent of who we are. And in His time, He will guide our paths.

Coach Romar was faithful and true to his Master Coach and to his team. He never stopped believing, and now they are in the Big Dance. However, that is not the best part. He could have easily packed it up early in the season and allowed the miserable start to become misery for the season, but Coach Romar sees his role in a different way. He understands that as a believer and a coach he has the opportunity to minister to his team. Coach Romar has made the choice that no matter what his team does each year, he will choose ministry over misery every time. As a coach or player, what is your choice?


1. When your team's record goes south, where do you turn?
2. Do you choose misery or ministry with your team each year?
3. Today, what can you do to begin ministering to your team?


2 Timothy 2:1-7
Titus 2