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Waiting.. Not an Easy Job

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By FCA Resources

April 11, 2006

But those who trust in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 


“The wait is finally over. The White Sox have won the pennant.” Many people in the organization have had to wait a long time to get to the World Series. Every person on the team and each fan would say it has been worth the wait, but it wasn’t easy in the process. Waiting is one tough job! In sports today, players and teams are waiting … waiting patiently for their time to shine.

In God’s Word, Isaiah wrote in chapter 40 that waiting is a good thing. The word “wait” does not measure time spent, but rather it is a process of strengthening until fulfillment. Let me suggest three reasons why we must wait on the Lord:

Waiting creates time during which we can trust God more (Psalm 27).
Waiting prepares us to have our real needs met (Psalm 40).
Waiting encourages us to always be prepared for Christ’s return (Matthew 24).

What do you find yourself waiting for? Unanswered prayers? A loved one to come to Christ? An opportunity to play for your team? Regardless of the reason, we know through God’s promises that waiting will be worth it in the end.

I am sure it was not easy for the White Sox to be patient while they waited. But as they look back at all the hard work they put in to get to this point, the waiting has paid off in tremendous satisfaction. Are you trusting God during your season of waiting? Are you leaning on Him or are you blaming Him for the things you are waiting on? Let Him give you strength during your wait so you will soar, walk, and run in HIM when His time of success for you comes.


 1. What don’t you like to wait on?

2. How do you know when you are growing weary of waiting on God to act in your life?
3. Today, how do you think you can find strength and patience to wait on the Lord?