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By FCA Resources

March 05, 2007

"David replied to the Philistine, 'You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven's Armies--the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you. . .'"

-1 Samuel 17:45-46a 

Can you hear it? It is coming. Can you feel it? It is almost here. A weekend in which David's meet Goliath's, underdogs battle the overrated, and one team becomes the giant-slayer of the year. Yes, it is March Madness: the 2007 NCAA Basketball Tournament. Sixty-five teams enter, and only one will win. But even though there is only one champion, there are many great stories of triumph along the way.
I have been reading the book "Facing Your Giants" by Max Lucado. It's a great book so far, and in it he challenges the reader to look differently at the David vs. Goliath story. We all know the story, but what we tend to overlook is David's consideration of his opponent (or lack thereof). As you read this Scripture, you will find only two references that David made about Goliath. He did not dwell on the size, status or 40-foot shadow Goliath cast over him that day, but rather, he focused on God and the power of His might. David was fully prepared, with God's help, to become a giant-slayer that day.
As March Madness unravels I am sure we will find this year's "David," or "giant-slayer," but what about you? What are the giants in your life? We all have them. Maybe it is alcohol, drugs or sexual temptations. Maybe it is finances, your parent's divorce or the health of someone in your family. Whatever the giants you are facing in your life, attack them as David did: with God's power. Nine times David referred to the Lord and His might when he confronted Goliath. Nine to two. David put more than four times the emphasis on God than on his giant.

How about you? Is your trust in the Lord four times greater than the fear of your giant? If not, look to David's example and put it to use in your circumstance. One thought Max Lucado left his readers was this: "Focus on your giants, you will stumble, but focus on God, your giants will tumble." If God is big enough to make a giant-slayer out of David, surely His grace and mercy stand ready to make one out of you as well. Now with God's help, go slay your giant! 


 1. What are the giants you are facing right now?

2. Are you allowing your giants to become so big that they block out your view of anything else?
3. Do you need to put more emphasis on the power of God?

4. Today, how can you slay your giants in the midst of your circumstances? 

1 Samuel 17
Psalm 64
Isaiah 44:8
Ephesians 6:10-15