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Stay with the Game Plan

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By Michael Marroccoli

January 16, 2008


“I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
-Psalm 16:8 (NIV)


In last week’s NFL playoff game, Ryan Grant of the Green Bay Packers fumbled the ball away twice in the first few minutes of the game. Grant’s turnovers resulted in the Seattle Seahawks taking a commanding 14-point lead before the Packers, or Grant, knew what hit them. It would have been easy for Grant, a young player and first year starter for the Packers, to have his confidence shaken and to take himself out of the game psychologically. However, with focus and great intensity, he bounced back and ran like a veteran, racking up over 200 yards on the ground and helping the Packers to a victory over the Seahawks.

In this situation, the Packers stayed with their game plan, remained unfazed by turnovers, and it eventually led to their success. This made me think about how easy it is to be shaken by the adversity we often face in life if we don’t have confidence in God and faith in His ability to handle our burdens. Just like the Packers, we too have to stay with our game plan: a plan grounded in godly living and thinking. When adversity comes, do we turn to the Word for guidance and wisdom? Or do we panic and stray from God’s game plan, responding according to our worldly nature?

Jesus calls us to Himself, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Remember that He is always in control! God wants us to submit to Him and to live according to His will. In our submission to Him, He provides us with His strength to overcome adversity and live victoriously.


1. When trouble comes, do you seek the comfort and wisdom of God’s Word?
2. Does facing adversity strengthen your resolve to continue Godly living?
3. Do you praise God in the good times and the bad, knowing that He is in control?
4. Do you expect victory over adversity, knowing God is always with you?


Joshua 1:9
2 Timothy 4:7