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Be in the Right Place

Fleceia  Comeaux's picture

By Fleceia Comeaux

June 08, 2009


In the spring when kings march out to war, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel . . . but David remained in Jerusalem. One evening David got up from his bed and . . . From the roof he saw a woman bathing—a very beautiful woman. So David sent someone to inquire about her, and he reported, “This is Bathsheba . . .” David sent messengers to get her, and when she came to him, he slept with her. . . . Afterwards, she returned home. The woman conceived and sent word to inform David: “I am pregnant.”–2 Samuel 11:1-5


David found trouble because he was in the wrong place. At the season when kings go off to war, he was at home. We cannot afford to be in the wrong place when we understand the eternal consequences. Our daily decision making is too crucial to have a momentary lapse in judgment. David’s lapse led to a lifetime of heartache.

God had chosen David, given him position, promise, and a plan—and made him the greatest king to ever live. God has great plans for us as well and provides His Word to help keep us in the right place. Scripture tells us that we must: (1) hide the Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:1-3); (2) understand temptation and ask God to help us be obedient (Psalm 119:37-39); and (3) remember who we are in Christ (2 Samuel 12:7-8).

Being in the right place means spiritually as well as physically. When one is consistently walking in obedience, he will more often find himself where God wants him to be. We must consider what things stop us from being in the right place. Are they worth being out of the will of God?



1. Why did David disobey God when he had been so very blessed?
2. What steps will you take to fight off temptation?


2 Samuel 12:7-8; Psalm 119:1-3,37-39


Father, help me stay on track—to be in the right place and not allow a lapse in judgment to keep me from Your ultimate purpose for my life. Amen.