“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” — Mark 12:30
There are so many qualities needed in order to have the heart of a champion: discipline, perseverance, dedication, endurance, focus, and the ability to overcome any obstacle. We all admire heroes who have made it to the top and have accomplished their goals and become champions. They have displayed the heart to withstand and endure to become great. But the more I understand greatness and what it takes to become successful, the more I see that there is one thing everyone must have to become a true champion—and that is a coach.
As I look back on my life and as I read about our contemporary heroes, they all have one thing in common: someone who wouldn’t let them quit, who enabled them to persevere through the difficulties. We all need a coach who understands what it takes, someone who can see the big picture and who loves us. As badly as we want to win, as hard as we are willing to work, we would always quit unless a coach was there to push, encourage, motivate, and help. Jesus Christ is our Head Coach. He created us, knows us, loves us, and has a wonderful plan for us. We must love Him and trust that He understands, knows what it takes, and sees the big picture.
1. Are you coaching people or simply trying to assemble players?
2. Have you given your life to the one true Coach?
3. How does Jesus coach you and motivate you to live for God and his kingdom?
Extra Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:57–58; Hebrews 12:2–3
Lord, help me follow You as my Coach, so in turn I can faithfully coach others. Amen.