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He Chose Me

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By RickHuff

May 10, 2010


“You did not choose Me, but I chose you. I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.” — John 15:16

I was in my second year of high school when Turk walked into the wrestling room. I did not have any idea who he was, but he didn’t look very impressive: short, round, bald, about fifty years old, and smoking a cigar. I inwardly laughed when
my wrestling coach told me that he wanted me to wrestle this aged man. I thought I would have to be careful not to hurt the old fellow. We lined up on the wrestling mat, and I went to reach for him. I don’t remember much after that, except in the next moment I was flying. I was airborne. Flying through a haze of cigar smoke was mildly exhilarating, but that was tempered by my awareness that I had to land some time. Turns out this dried-up old man had wrestled in the Olympics twice.
Our entire team benefited from his wealth of knowledge and expertise. He showed us moves and techniques in wrestling that none of us had heard before, and, as a result, we won some big matches and a few tournaments. But Turk gave us the greatest gift by simply standing in our corner during our matches. When we faced foes who were stronger or more experienced, we could look over and see a world champion wrestler who had taught us that we could win.
Jesus Christ has personally picked you to be a part of His team, and He is standing in your corner. The foe you face is stronger and more experienced than you, yet the ultimate Champion is willing to impart His friendship, guidance,
and strength. We will win because Jesus is a champion.

1. How does Christ’s strength help our faith to grow?
2. Who inspires you to give your best?


Extra Reading: John 15:13–19


Father, thank You for providing everything we will ever need to be champions. Grant us the strength of Christ so that we may produce fruit. Amen.