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Making a Difference

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By FCA Resources

December 10, 2010


“I was made a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace that was given to me by the working of His power.”
-Ephesians 3:7 


I love to visit and speak at our area Huddles. Recently, after speaking at a school in Geneva, Ill., I lingered to visit with the Huddle Coaches before I left. That day, I’d spoken about making a difference by doing a radical act of kindness for a person in their building. As with all of us who share messages in front of crowds, I never know what impact my words will have on the lives of those who are listening, but being faithful to deliver the truth of God’s promises is what matters most.

The Apostle Paul shared a common goal with Christ’s disciples. After Christ ascended into Heaven, their goal became to spread His Good News to all who would listen. Those who heard and believed were then, hopefully, to share it with countless others. Isn’t that what we do when we hear good news or something that lifts our spirits? We tell others!

As I was walking down the hall on my way out that day, I overheard three different conversations about what I had just shared at the Huddle meeting. Two of the conversations were among people who had attended the meeting, but one conversation was between two students who hadn’t been there. Obviously, the word was spreading fast, and it sent an immediate Praise-the-Lord moment into my heart. Students had heard a challenge and immediately started to make a difference by sharing it with others.

As God continues to shape, sharpen, and sanctify your life, are you telling others about what He is doing? If God is making a difference in your life, you should let others know—not out of pride or a haughty spirit, but out of gratitude to the Lord for what He has done. It’s a simple way to make a difference for Christ. And, hopefully, word will travel fast! 


1. How are you making a difference for Christ in your school, home, work or team?
2. How can you show God’s kindness to someone in need this week?
3. Share with someone today how God is changing you and what He is doing in your life. If God is making changes in you, let others know about His transforming power! 


Luke 8:26-35
Ephesians 4:32
Philippians 1:3-6