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By Jim McGraw

December 29, 2010


“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness. Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weakness, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. — 2 Corinthians 12:9


We were in the regional finals of the Virginia high school golf tournament. I was a first year golf coach. My player, Gabe, was tied for the individual championship and was playing in the final round against the defending champion. He had just birdied the thirteenth hole to take a one shot lead with five holes to play.

I suddenly realized that I wasn’t sure what to say or do. Even though I had coached and officiated over a twenty-year period, I had never been a golf coach. Basketball and soccer were my forte. What strategy do you offer in a solitary sport like golf to a young man who must perform alone under pressure? Coaches are supposed to know everything and be ready in any situation. I felt I had little to offer.

I began to pray, “Lord, help me, I feel so inadequate.” Walking along the course, I continued to seek the Lord’s guidance. I felt His love begin to fill me…love that overpowered my feelings of inadequacy…love that revealed God’s desire to bless…love that I could share with Gabe to affirm him.

All coaches feel inadequate. At those times, we must remember that God moves in our lives if we invite Him. Once our strength is out of the way, God’s power can be effective in our weakness.

I returned to Gabe as he walked along the next fairway asking him if he wanted me to go or stay with him. He replied, “It’s good Coach, you should stay.” The only coaching I did the rest of that day was to encourage him.

By the way, Gabe won the regional golf championship on the second hole of a sudden death playoff. I felt privileged to be there, weakness and all.


1. Have you ever felt inadequate as a coach?
2. Do you tend to hide your weaknesses or acknowledge them?
3. Can you identify with players who struggle with doubt, and then encourage them?


Extra Reading: Romans 8:26; 1 Corinthians 1:27; Hebrews 4:15


Lord, help me to accept my weaknesses and to trust in Your strength. Send Your love and direction into my life. Amen.