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Shaped Like a Glove

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By Kristina Myles

June 29, 2012


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”- Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV)


Trusting God seems to be one of the hardest things for me to do. While I can fully trust in my car to start every morning or in certain people I’ve just met, when it comes to trusting the One who has everything under control, I struggle. Even though that doesn’t make much sense, I am thankful that God knows my heart and loves me anyway. Imagine that. Even when I question where I’m going or what He is doing, He always seems to bring me right back to where I need to be: at His feet.

FCA Camp has been a huge blessing in my life, and God has used it in tremendous ways to show me how His light can still shine through my faults and weaknesses. This summer, on the way home from camp, God gave me exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve found that He speaks to me the most in times when I am still, just listening (which tends to be a very rare occasion for this stubborn heart). Despite my stubbornness, though, He showed me a lesson by using my passion for softball.

Basically, here is what He said: “Look at this talent I have given you on this ‘field’ of ministry. Look at this glove—look how you shape it with your hands. Does it take it’s right form immediately? No. That change doesn’t happen overnight. You must break down the leather to make it soft before you can shape it into something new. Because the old is not fit to perform the way you want it to, it must be made into a new creation. But it doesn’t stay in its right form right away. It is resistant. It keeps going back to its old ways. So, you must work with it day and night to shape it into that new creation—into the image you want it to take. It won’t be easy, but it will eventually take on this new form, and you will rejoice in it. It will perform in ways you never imagined.”

Then He continued by relating this to my life: “See how I mold your heart? I shape it and build it into a beautiful creation in My image. Even when you resist I do not give up. I pour into you as you seek Me day and night. You’re not perfect, but you are growing daily as my beautiful daughter. Look how much stronger you are becoming with My help! Look how you bring Me glory! My child, My child…Becoming My servant is like breaking in a new glove. It won’t happen overnight. It takes work. The walls must be broken down around your heart, and you must allow me to shape it into a new creation in Me—without holding on to your past, without returning to your old form in the ways of this world, without resisting to the change that is happening in your heart.”

Today, if you are feeling useless or stubborn, choose to trust God. He’s working in you and will keep working in you if you continue to seek Him. You aren’t perfect, and that’s okay. He knows that, and He loves you anyway. In fact, even in your imperfection, He will keep shining His glory through you if you let Him. And, eventually, just like my softball glove, you will find yourself taking on His image more and more each day.


1. What are you putting your trust in?
2. What is keeping you from hearing God’s voice?
3. Do you think you have to be perfect to be useful to or loved by God? Considering Scripture and what you know about Jesus Christ, why would that be untrue?
4. If you are saved by faith and grace, what does that say about perfection?
5. How are you more like Christ today than you were yesterday?


Jeremiah 1:5
2 Corinthians 4:7, 16-18
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ephesians 2:8-9

About the Author:

Kristina Myles recently graduated from West Texas A&M University. She is the Social Media Director for FCA Softball.