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Hills and Headwinds

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By PaulS

October 12, 2012


The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them from all their troubles - Psalm 34:17


On a recent run I was confronted by the two things I hate most in my training – wind and hills. The run started with a strong wind in my face, but the course was flat. Although I don’t like wind, I learned to accept it because it makes me stronger. My second challenge was just ahead – a 7/10 of a mile incline with a gradual elevation of about 110 feet. Not too bad in itself, but with the headwind and going for time, I needed all of my energy.

During my ascent, I thought about life and how we all have “hills” and “headwinds.” I thought about how I deal with them, how I can make improvements, and how I can be a better example to others when faced with difficulties. I also thought about whether or not I invite God into my life when I encounter these situations.

About this time, I reached the top of the hill. As I started down, I knew that I would eventually have to turn around and head back home - my current descent would be ANOTHER trip up the hill. A side road was just ahead. If I take it, some of the challenge would be avoided, things would be much easier, but I wouldn’t improve. If I don’t take the road, I will have faced the challenge and not settled for just being “average.” I didn’t take the road!

God wants us to face our challenges head on, with Him guiding us, and not settling for being average.

Problems will happen in life and I have found that as a Christ follower, the devil throws a lot more at me. He’s trying to trip me up and get me off the path that I’m on. But Jesus told us to not worry and allow life’s problems to get in our way. He told us to focus on the goal – our relationship with God – the true pinnacle that we should be trying to reach.

Confront your challenges with faith and perseverance. Know that Jesus is with you always! Attack your “hills” and the “headwinds” in life. Avoid the side roads that lead to mediocrity. God will turn your trip up the hill into a soothing descent and He will cause the headwinds to become soothing winds at your back.

  1. How do you deal with the hills in your life?
  2. Do you challenge them?
  3. Do you try and do it alone or do you let Jesus take lead?
  4. What can you change in your life that will allow others to see how God is in control of your problems