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The Eyes of the Lord

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By FCA Resources

February 23, 2013


“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” -2 Chronicles 16:9


One day, the team was practicing when their coach had to leave for a minute. Once the coach was out of sight, the team started acting up and shooting half-court shots. Suddenly, out of nowhere they heard a voice say, ”I saw that.” One player made the comment, “Man, Coach must have eyes everywhere.” In sports, the eyes of a coach are always watching even when no one thinks they are looking.

The eyes of the Lord are always watching, as well. God’s Word is very clear about how God is watching us. Why does He watch over us? He loves us too much not too. But, I know that many still struggle with the fact the God is watching. Some see His attentiveness as His not wanting anything good to happen for us. Others look at it as though He is playing good cop/bad cop. Still others feel like He is trying to catch them doing bad all the time. That is the wrong impression of God. The eyes of the Lord watch us because He loves us.

How does it make you feel that the eyes of the Lord are watching you?  As we live for Christ, this should give us confidence that He cares about us. Throughout God’s Word we read about those who found favor in the eyes of the Lord and others who did evil. When God watches you, what does He see?

Like the coach who always seems to see everything, our God does see everything, and His eyes are looking for those who want to follow Him.


1. How does it make you feel to know that God is watching over you?
2. God sees the good, the bad and the ugly in our lives. When do you wish He was not watching?
3. What is the positive side of His seeing us during our sinful behavior?


Extra Reading: Genesis 6:8; Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 5:21; 15:3; 1 Peter 3:12


Heavenly Father, I want to be blameless before You. Thank You for loving me and keeping an eye on me. Help me to clean up my thoughts, words, and actions so that they bring You glory. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sin. Amen.